Troubled Love

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Hi there! This is a fan story for LiLo aka Liam Payne x Louis Tomlinson. I hope to let you know just now that I am not the best at writing unlike some other amazing writers. Well, it's a boring 'ol high school themed story. Enjoy!!


Today was the first day at my new school, which was much different then my old school back in Wolverhampton. I moved from there with my parents to Doncaster. I heard many people in this specific school were...very sassy. I doubt that. From the times at the other school I went to, a boy from Doncaster was in it. His name was John. That seems like a plain name. But, who was I to judge him? My name is Liam Payne.

I did like school, except the part where there was drama or people trying to get you to let them copy your homework. But, I was that type of person to push that all aside and ignore it. I wasn't popular in my old school, so I doubt i'll be popular in this new school. I hope it's exactly like my old school, less drama, and mostly less idiots.

Way to start the first day to your new school, rain beating down on my Mother's car as she drove me to school, "Way to start the new school, huh?" my Mother questioned me as her eyes stayed focused on the road ahead of her. I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess so." I said quietly. I wasn't the one to talk loudly unless told to do so. I guess you could call me a "Goody Goody". A hand rested on my shoulder which mad me jump in my seat. "You'll be fine Liam." my Mother said softly. Screech. The car stopped in a parking lot in the back of the school. "Good luck honey." she said, leaning over to me, and kissing my cheek.

I nodded to her as I hung my backpack over my shoulder and hopped out of the car. I noticed a few teenagers maybe a year older than me staring. Then some mumbles from them. Hopefully they weren't rude mumbles. I passed the small group and made my way to the front of the school. My body stopped as I stared up at the large school, I felt like I was staring at a mansion. It was way different then my old school. Great. 

My knees felt weak, but I forced myself up the steps and into the lobby. Inhaling the scents was a bad idea, it smelt like loads and loads on cologne and perfume was sprayed around the school. I coughed and swatted my hand in front of my face, causing a few to stare, and looked disgusted. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the office.

There was a few voices from behind me and I raised a brow. The voices belonged to four boys, which made me curious to turn around and see who it was. Now, I wasn't to sure on my sexuality, but I felt like I was leaning more towards men. I don't know what attracted me more to them. I turned which caused the boys to stop and raise brows.

The first, was a boy with a mop of brown curls and green eyes. Nothing really interesting in my sights about this one.

The second one that was next to the first was a boy with raven hair up in the famous 'Quiff'. He had beautiful caramel brown eyes, but he didn't seem to be my type. The boy also had the smell of aftershave, cigarettes, and cologne on him. Disgusting.

The third one was the shortest. He had blonde hair which seemed to be bleached because you could see his brown roots. His hair was styled up in the same design like the second boy's hair was. Seems like they do eachother's hair. He also had blue eyes which were like the color of the ocean.

The last boy. Oh boy the last boy. He had beautiful brown hair styled up in that 'Quiff' but it seemed to fit him very well. What was with this up hairstyle? I ignored it and began to admire his amazing cheeks bones. His plump lips. My eyes gazed down but I was interrupted by a voice,

"Excuse you?" the raven haired male questioned.

I jumped and looked over to him, my nose scrunched up. A scoff escaped from him. "What can we help you with or you going to stand there and look like some idiot?" he question. I noticed the bleach-blonde haired one looked over at him and jab him in the side with his elbow, "Be nice." he whispered but I could still hear him. The caramel eyed male rolled his eyes.

The blonde put his hand out, "Hey 'here. 'm Niall, the one that was rude is Zayn. The one on the end is Harry, then finally the one right on my other side is Louis." he introduced. What a heavy Irish accent the bleach blo-- Niall had on him. I plastered a smile on my face, which felt like oil was splashed on it then set on fire. "Nice to meet you all, i'm Liam." I muttered before another voice behind me cleared their throat. 

Who was trying to get my attention now?

"What?" I whinned but then froze. The color drained from my face to notice my principal standing in front of me. "--Oh!" I laughed nervously, "Ma'am, I apologize for being rude." I said and she wiggled a finger at me. "C'mon kid, we need to register you into the student identity."  she explained. I nodded and began to follow her to the main office.

The thought of the one boy went through my head as the principal explained the schedule to me. I was zoned out, not paying attention to where I was going. But then, a sudden jerk snapped me into reality. I was now sitting down in the main office, waiting.

My name is Liam Payne...and this is the time I fell in love with the school's most popular boy in the school.

Louis Tomlinson.


Hope you liked it!! I tried my best. When I get the time when not focused on school and the projects, i'll write chapter 1!!! Oh yeah, sorry for mispelling and all that XD

Kisses to the Readers!! Mwah mwah!! :*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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