Chapter one, Desma of the light

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Humans spend a good portion of modern life, hiding from the darkness of the past in the light of the present day. Or was that shedding light on the days of a darker age. Does not matter which is more true i guess as none of that has anything really to do with the moment. It is some time in the middle of the night. The moon is out. The stars that can be seen over the city sparkle.

A young man around nineteen years of age, dressed in gray slacks, a light blue shirt soaking with his own blood. He is barefoot, feet looking as though better days are behind them. He coughs up blood as he falls back into a street light post. 

Into the light ranges walks three young men of  similar age, as well as three young women again close in age to the young man they are surrounding. They all have wounds, blood flowing, but not the extent of the lone young man. 

A young woman steps forward. The leader of the group. A pipe in her left hand. A visually blackened eye, her lips were starting to swell. Black short skirt, ripped up the right side revealing her black lace panties. She is barefoot as her footwear is lost to the night. Blood started to crust in her  once brilliantly white hair. “I.. I am so tired of you.” she started to say as the others all yes man in the background noise. “You need to die, Zero.” she said, spitting out blood giving name to the target of her murderous intent.

Zero gives a forced chuckle of sorts. “Is my self righteousness, getting in the way of you all, bullying. Molesting. Raping. Shoving drugs on others. Treating them like your personal living dolls.” he says, shaking the blood off his hands before raising them to fight. 

The young woman smiles, “This is why I like you and hate you. You asshole. You could have stood with us. You have done incredibly well at killing nine of my crew. You have injured the remaining six of us pretty damn well. But look at you now. Back to the wall. You are going to die here and for what? Some trash that died choking on cock for another hit of smack.”

“No, I could never have ever stood with you.” Zero said, stepping forward into what may come. “Desma, you are a bitch. I will take a few more of your pathetic gang to hell with me.” He spoke his final words as the sounds of fists and metal breaking flesh and bones are the last things he hears. 

The light that was is now being devoured by the darkness, as the light above is shattered by a knife that is sent up into it. 

Zero dispatches two more of them by using their own knives against but the numbers game and the time spent fighting alone have caught up to him in the moment. 

Desma lunges forward with a knife that sinks into his forearm as he blocks her attack. He backhand slaps her. She falls onto her butt. 

Zero is then stabbed in the right ribs by one of the young women and in the left hand by the remaining male. He grabs the young woman by the throat with his left hand letting the knife stab her in the throat. He tossed her into the last male, sending them back. 

Fatigue has gotten to everyone. 

Desma gets up and sidekicks Zero right in the knife in his ribs. 

Zero grabs her leg pulling her in close to smack his left hand with the knife into her right eye. 

Desma grunts as her eye is now no more. “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE JUST DIE!!” she screams as she pulls the knife from his ribs out and starts to stab him repeatedly. 

Zero pulls the knife from his hand, he slashes Desma’s chest. A Z pattern. He is kicked over onto his back by her.

She falls onto him. Straddling him. “I said die.” she said as she stabbed him in the chest. Right into the heart. She pulls the knife out. She slits his throat open. “Die. Die.” she started to say as she mindlessly stabbed him over and over. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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