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It's been days. 273 days to be exact. Carter's been keeping track. 273 days since he was split from the rest of his friends. 177 days since he met Karina and Troy. He met them after his radio signal collided with their's. A happy couple, sweet and kind - regardless if they were junkies and had been living in a trailer park before the fallout. They took Carter in and treated him as their own. They lived together, hunted together, grew together as people. Carter missed them. The old them, before things got out of hand.

It was a cold autumn night, Troy parked on the side of the road and shot up with Karina. Carter was used to it. They'd done this several times. Tonight was different.

Karina was laughing and rubbing on Troy's head making her usual wishes that everything would go back to normal. Carter was tired, laying on the large bed that was at the very other end of the RV, he stared up at the ceiling. Perhaps he was in deep thought? No ever since he was a child he wasn't able to create a single thought. His head was silent. It was like everything he "thought" was presented in pictures or simply just an instinct he had. He has no inner dialogue. "Carter! Why don't you join us, get out of your head for once!" Karina called back to Carter. "I wish I could get in my head for once" He retorted before walking over to the scene. "You know, Lewis," Troy piped up, raising a brow in the young boy's direction "maybe you could if you just gave it a shot".  Karina giggled at the bald man's pun and shoved his arm
"he doesn't have to if he's too scared-"
"no, I'll do it."
Karina's eyes went wide
"I've seen the two of you several times, I know how to do it."

And do it he did. The three of them were now tripping, to them it's been maybe four minutes but by now it's been an hour or so. "No, no, all I'm saying is maybe they're onto something!" Troy smiled, his eyes bloodshot but showing no hint of joking.

Four more minutes passed. At first, Carter was disgusted.. but human tasted like pork and so he continued. And for the first time in years, Carter's head wasn't silent. He wasn't lonely.

Days went by and the couple refused to acknowledge what happened. Shame washed over them, but now wasn't a time for shame. Carter's head was growing quieter and he was scared of it going silent again. So, that night, while the couple slept he did what he could and he killed them before eating what he could. His brain was loud again. Live with activity.

273 days, 177 days, and now eight days since he'd done what he had. His head was growing quieter with each day that passed. He was getting desperate. Each day he drove more and more and used the RV radio to try and find anyone to eat- help? help. Anyone to help. Finally, he received a signal. "Hello? If there's anyone out there we are at 48.2883° N, 122.6484° W. We have housing, goods, and needs." The voice, it sounded familiar. But every voice sounded like Al's to him. Literally. The inner dialogue he's gained wasn't even his own. He couldn't forget her. So he drove, and drove until the car had broken down. Luckily he wasn't too far from his destination.

Carter grabbed a bag, his toolbelt, the rifle that he'd grown so accustomed to and set off.

'Perhaps.. every face looked like Al's as well?' The Boy thought as he used a hand to stop the sun from blaring in his eyes.

"CARTER!" It was her. "AL?" he ran to the gates that she stood behind.

"Hey stay back!" A man standing atop what seemed to be a watch tower boomed, pointing his machinery at Carter - causing the boy to stop in his tracks and throw his hands in the air, dropping his weapon. The man on the watch tower squinted ".. is that?" "That's Lewis, you idiot!" Al shouted at him, causing the man on the watchtower to falter and shakily reach for the walkie. After a second of hasty words exchanged between the man and whoever was on the other end, the gates unlocked, bells and chimes softly rattling as it moved.

Carter now had a clear view of the man. "Micah?" It was then when he was tackled in a hug, "I thought you were dead!" Al cried, holding him tight, "Jeez, I thought I'd be dead too!" Carter mused before Al pulled him into camp, "It's not safe outside of these gates." She muttered while reaching for the walkie attached to her hip. Carter looked around in awe. It was like a small town, untouched. "H- how did you-" Carter muttered before getting cut off by the device. "Sir, it's Carter. He's alive and well." Micah. It was Micah. Carter's eyes welled up with tears, "So, everyone is here? Everyone made it?" He inquired, his words oozing with hope. Al refused to meet his eyes, instead she dropped her gaze, "not everyone" was all she said and Carter knew not to press this.

It wasn't long before they reached a little building, what looked like to be an old court room, in the middle of "town". Al pushed the doors open and there they were- Mostly familiar faces. Demarcus, Renny, Nephi, Sam and a woman wearing what seemed to be a lab coat all stood before him "Holy shit you're alive." Sam said before hopping off of the table she was previously seated on and going to give Carter a hug with the strength of a python. "You're. crushing. me." He choked out, "Maybe don't let us think you're dead then?" Demarcus proposed as Sam let go and was apologising. Demarcus smiled and shook Carter's hand "I can't believe it's really you." He sighed before the doors flung open, "Carter... he's.. ali- oh.." An out of breath Micah heaved, "S-sorry I just got Justin to cover my shift.." He composed himself and walked in.

"Man, I'm so glad you guys are all here. If you thought I was dead... imagine what I thought happened to you all." Carter beamed looking around the room. "Where have you been?" Renny asked, furrowing her brows, "You look like hell," "He looks like he's seen hell" Nephi added. The question caused Carter to freeze. How do you tell the people you love that you've committed a heinous act. Sam noticed his shoulder stiffen and piped into the conversation, "I think he should rest.

Then he can tell us all of the whacky adventures he's been on" She smiled in his direction, to which he nervously chuckled before changing the subject, "I haven't gotten to introduce myself to you, I'm Carter." He nodded towards the woman in the lab coat, "Jules." she responded tilting her head to the side and sizing him up, "I've heard a lot about you. Glad you're alive. Now, reunion's been great but Al and I have to take you to the M building and make sure you're not near dead!" She reminded Al, taking Carter's arm in her's and heading to the door- Al following behind and then taking his other arm.

Sam rolled her eyes watching the three of them leave. "I'll go with them." She stated flatly while reaching for her hat, Demarcus grabbed her wrist before she could reach the article, "No, you won't." he shook his head, Sam narrowed her eyes at him "Let go." and so he did before clearing his throat and regaining his voice "I- it's just-" Demarcus stumbled over his words
"It could fuck with their process and if the kid's not sterile then-" "Nephi Nalder don't even finish that sentence" Renny cut him off, glaring in his direction, "I'm just saying! We have to be prepared for the worst," Nephi shrugged, placing his hands in his pockets. Renny folded her arms over her chest and looked away, it was true. If he wasn't sterile, they had to get rid of him. "He's probably going to be fine." Micah assured. Sam groaned and placed her hat on her head, "I'm headed to the stables. Gotta make sure Bolin's big and strong for the next town raid." and with that she was gone.

Renny, Nephi, and Demarcus all shared a look. Well, no, they all looked at each other. One worried, the other exhausted, and the last.. the last with no emotion behind it.

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