Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

  The snow fell with grace and steadiness, the forest had an aura of a Christmas wonderland. Though, deep within, a crisis was unfolding rapidly. Originally, a group of six that called themselves Kesem were walking on the park trail today since they went skiing the day before. Out of the corner of her eye, Macaron thought she saw something and with a sense of curiosity she quietly drifted from the group and headed in that direction.

   But Piglet saw her go in that direction and went after her to look out for her. Unbeknownst to either of them Kitty saw this, debating in her head "Do I follow the other two or stay with the group?". The other three, Prairie, Lavender, and Polaris were busy chatting about camp while keeping to the park trail. With a sigh, Kitty headed after Piglet and Macaron to keep an eye on them both. Having to run a little to catch up with the other two, as she made her way closer, she could hear them arguing.

"Macaron, are you crazy?? Running off by yourself without telling anyone?!?" Piglet exclaimed.

"I swear to Karl's existence that I saw a figure moving in the distance and not a creepy looking one. It glowed!". Macaron pleaded.

" A glowing figure?!? How much hot coco did you drink?" Piglet questioned.

"HEY!! What the hell guys?" Kitty exclaimed.

   Piglet and Macaron both turn with wide eyes to see Kitty marching up to them. With the three of them standing together they had fulfilled the Kesem group rule. Macaron was the first to speak asking "Kitty, did you also see the glowing figure?". In response, Kitty said in monotone voice "No, the unicorn was blocking my view.". Macaron rolled her eyes and reaffirmed her stance, "Okay, I swear to Karl's existence that I saw a glowing figure standing out of the corner of my eye!".

"And you went after it???" Kitty asked bewildered. "You know that's how people die in horror movies right?" she said.

"Of course, I know that! I'm not that unknowledgeable!" Macaron uttered.

    A gasp caught the attention of Macron and Kitty, both turning towards Piglet who was staring with shock in her eyes. Glancing in that general direction the other two girls' eyes land on a glowing figure. The three of them saying in unison "Holy Shit!". The figure was standing. Levitating, it glowed a warm white and it was possible to make out a head and body. It didn't seem threatening, but appearances can be deceiving.

   Taking a stupid risk Macaron calls out "Hey, what do you want? Do you want to talk?". Piglet and Kitty exchange looks of terror. Afraid that any sudden movement might cause the figure to attack. But shockingly the figure stretched a glowing hand out and motioned for them to follow. Having come this far already, Kitty sighs quietly and starts to move towards the figure with Macron and Piglet following in tandem. The figure watches them move closer and turns to head in an unknown direction. Where the figure was taking them was unclear, but they all knew that in the end if things did go south, they had each other and that's all that mattered.


   It had been about 30-ish minutes, and they were still walking, following the glowing figure that was levitating. Starting to feel tired, cold and hungry, the girls gave each other looks. Since Macaron was the first one to talk to it, she motioned for either Kitty or Piglet to say something. Piglet shook her head violently and motioned for Kitty to say something. Mentally groaning, Kitty sighed and with a short-lived surge of bravery she shouted at the figure.

"STOP!" Kitty shouted; her voice echoed in the silence of the snowy forest. The figure came to a slow stop. Turning around and facing half of the Kesem group, Kitty could feel its stare, as if it could see her. Swallowing her fear in that moment, she took one step forward and said in a slightly shaky voice "We are tired, cold, and hungry. Is there anything you can do for us? We are human if you can't tell, we could die!". Piglet piped up "Yeah!" she said, and Macaron asked "Why are you interested in us? In me?".

    The figure did nothing but stay in that spot for what felt like hours until it moved its head to the side. The wind had picked up suddenly causing the girls to hang onto one another. The snow moved in a circular motion in the space between the group and the figure. The glowing presence moved its head back in the straight position it had been in and then the snownando ceased. Atop a wooden log sat three Chick-Fil-La meals. Around the log were three beach chairs and three heaters.

     The girls stood in shock, mouths agape. All three of their stomachs growling in unison. With caution they slowly made their way towards the setup, watching the figure with suspicion. Each of them taking a meal and sitting in chair. "It doesn't smell off." says Piglet. "They look normal, nothing off about the appearance." Macaron chimes in. Both girls look to Kitty, seeing as she's already taken a bite out of her sandwich. "Tastes amazing like always!!!" she exclaims. Piglet and Macaron look at each other shrugging and start eating their food without hesitation. Given that Kitty didn't die from taking a single bite like in the movies.

   After all of them had finished with their meals, like magic their trash, heaters, chairs, and the log stump all vanished with a pop. The three of them now standing in a circle, they turn to face the glowing figure ready to continue down the path of mystery that awaits them.


    While the three amigos were having the adventure of a lifetime, Lavender, Prairie, and Polaris had finished the trail. Only as they made it back to the snow lodge did Lavender notice the absence of Macaron and Piglet's bickering and that the voice of reason from Kitty. "Uh, hey Polaris, Prairie ... where are Mac, Piggy and Kit?" she asked with a hint of worry in her voice. "Oh no" says Polaris sounding disappointed. Looking around Prairie says with a slight edge in her voice "Un-fucking-believable".


   They had been walking for quite some time, after the short-lived lunch break, they were back on their feet again. The glowing figure up ahead kept moving deeper into the forest and at that point it had started to snow. "Great, next thing you know we'll be buried under 10+ feet of snow." Piglet said. "Not before we die of hypothermia." says Macaron, slowly accepting her fate. "It's beautiful! Like a winter wonderland!" Kitty says with a dreamy look on her face.

     In the distance, there seems to be a border or invisible wall. Think back to when you're in the car and its hot outside and suddenly you see the heat waves dancing atop the car. The glowing figure starts to slow down, it comes to a full stop. It waits and watches as the girls approach the veil with caution. Glancing to their left, they all observe to see what the figures next move will be, while wondering. Does death await them on the other side? Is it going to drag them each back to their own early teen years to relive their high school days?

     The Figure nods its head in a knowing manner then floats straight into nothing. Vanishing from sight, all three of the girls gasp in unison from shock. "What do you think is on the other side?" Piglet asked in a slightly shaky voice. "I'm not sure, but this has to mean something, we didn't come all the way out here for nothing... right?" Macaron says with hesitancy. "Either we were led out here by a Demon who wants to mess with us or... it needs our help?" Kitty says with seriousness. They go quiet, looking at each other contemplating what to do. Then Piglet, with a look of determination on her face says "Macaron, Kitty, we've come this far and there's no turning back now. If things do go south just know that we have each other and that's all that matters!".

     Tearing up, Macaron says "awe Piggy, Kit come here." Pulling the girls into a big hug, the three of them giggling, laughing at their current situation. "We've got this! Do you think the other three will believe us?" Kitty asks. "Who knows, at least we'll entertain them with quite the story!" Piglet says. Holding hands and facing the barrier, Kitty says with excitement and curiosity "Into the Unknown!". Taking steps together, One, Two, Three and they're off!

End of Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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