The smell of roses in full bloom lingered on the humid summer air and Carlos "Jenner" Costas was lost in the complimentary reds and greens that lined the edge of the flagstone patio. He listened to the gentle clinking of stainless steel against porcelain as he idly stirred the cooling coffee that remained in the bottom of his mug. Closing his eyes he shifted his focus to the sounds of traffic in the street, blocking out the ever nagging voice of his plump mother.
"You know, I think you're far over due for a hair cut too..." Mrs. Costas stopped speaking and lowered her gaze, dark eyes peered over the rims of oversized sunglasses as she stared disapprovingly at her son. "Carlos, are you listening to me?"
"No mother, for the millionth time I am not listening to you." Jenner dropped his spoon and covered his face with his hands. "Why would I want to listen to you pick apart every aspect of my life?"
"Because I'm looking out for your best interest!" She reached out to touch the strip of long, bleach faded hair on Jenner's head, flanked by patches of darker hair which was kept cropped close to his scalp. Jenner pulled back and rolled his eyes as his mother continued ranting. "No woman will love you like this, and all those tattoos! I feel like every time I see you there are more of them."
"Mom, I like them! This is the way I feel comfortable, if women won't love me then fuck it."
"Carlos! Language!" Mrs. Costas made a face like she had just eaten something sour. "Besides, you don't mean that Carlos, if you don't find love how will I ever have grandchildren?"
"Maybe I don't want to have kids mom. Can you imagine me as a father?"
"I think you would be a wonderful father! All you need to do is grow up a little."
The waitress came closer to the table and stood behind Mrs. Costas with a look of hesitation on her face but Jenner discretely waved her away. "Have you ever thought that maybe this is me as a grown up? Maybe I'll never be more mature than what I am now."
"I don't believe that for one second!" Mrs. Costas shook her head, "You just need some new clothes and a good job."
"I have a good job!"
"Yeah, for now, but how long will it last? Carlos, you've never held a position for more than six months!"
"I could give you the phone numbers for a couple women who'd beg to differ."
"This is exactly what I'm talking about! Must you be so vulgar? I don't need to hear about every confused young lady you lure into your bed when you should be looking for a wife."
"Mom --"
"And speaking of vulgar, don't get me started on that horrendous website of yours."
"I don't want to talk about my blog..."
"Do you think I want to? It's my duty, as your mother, to teach you how to be an adult...clearly I failed somewhere along the way and I just can't figure out where!"
"This is ridiculous, I don't want to be having this conversation anymore." Jenner pushed back his chair to stand up and his mother reached out to grab a hold of his arm.
"Oh Carlos don't go. This is the first time I've seen you in months, I need this."
"Then can we talk about something else please?"
Mrs. Costas let go and leaned back, the synthetic fabrics of her clothes moved easily in the gentle breeze; their pastel colours reminded Jenner of the legions of blue haired church goers who filled his childhood memories.
After a moment of silence, Mrs. Costas sighed and turned to look over her shoulder, "Where is that waitress with the dessert menus?"
"Mom, do you really think that's a good idea?"
ParanormalJenner Costas blogs about death, he learns about murders, violent crimes and fatal accidents then puts the details online for the world to see. The problem is, he's stumbled onto a gruesome trend; bodies with massive neck trauma have been surfacing...