As Partners

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Hidan rolled his eyes and muttered how much bullshit this was to himself for what must have been the fifth time since Leader began speaking. Well, not completely to himself since Kakuzu shot him a look that practically screamed "shut up Hidan" right afterwards. He mouthed to the older man, "like you're not equally bored." He was fully aware that his ornery partner gave little care to anything not involving making money.

Pain kept going on and on about collecting the tailed beasts and the white haired man was sick of it. Judging by the various expressions from the other members, he wasn't the only one. 

Itachi seemed as passive as normal at first glance but Hidan could tell the Uchiha was annoyed at the jinchuriki collection coming up. Kisame stifled a yawn, so it was pretty obvious how the blue skinned ninja felt about the endeavor. Sasori and Deidara were both looking at each other more than they were at Pain, no surprise there. 

Even Zetsu appeared unusually distracted by something other than the Leader. Odd for him, ever the syncophant. Really, the only one who was giving Pain their full attention was Konan, once again, no surprise there.

The orange haired man droned on a bit longer then when Hidan thought he would actually die of boredom despite being immortal, he finished with "Any questions?"

They all shook their heads in the negative with varying degrees of enthusiastic desperation.

"Good. Everyone is dismissed. Sasori and Deidara, go get the two tails. The rest of you need to prepare for the three day process of sealing coming up once they are back."

He and Konan exited the room first, followed right after by Itachi and Kisame who whispered "Good luck" to the artistic duo before leaving as well.

Kakuzu walked past the two saying nothing. "Hey blondie," Hidan addressed Deidara who was the only one really close in age to him in the organization. They weren't exactly friends but had a sort of camaraderie. "Don't get murdered alright?"

He grinned in the crazed way he usually did when he was about to destroy something. "I'll be fine." He slung an arm around Sasori who looked pissed but didn't shove him away. "He'll be with me after all."

Sasori nodded which was as much a promise as anyone was likely to get from him.

"See ya later!" Hidan said noticing Kakuzu was turning down the hall to head to their rooms and running to catch up to him.

Deidara leaned to Sasori's ear, "You think they're fucking?"

"Hardly." Sasori said tonelessly. "Even though Hidan follows Kakuzu around like a lost puppy."

"Ha! Kakuzu is just as bad. Did you watch the recording Pain made of their last mission? "Duck Hidan. Be careful Hidan. Don't lower your guard Hidan." Deidara mimicked Kakuzu, earning a slight grin from Sasori as the two headed to their rooms to find something more entertaining to do.

"Where's the fire? Why didn't you wait for me?" Hidan panted lightly more for attention than actually being tired. 

"I saw no need to. You were engaged in conversation." Did the older man sound slighted? 

"Uh, It wasn't that engaging. Just telling Deidara's crazy ass to be careful. Because he's the closest I have to a peer here." Hidan twirled a strand of his hair around his finger. He only wore it up when he was on missions, mostly to keep it out of the way.

"I didn't ask for a play by play." The man said as he yanked the main door to their adjoined rooms open with more force than necessary causing a reverberating echo.

Hidan covered his ears. "So damn touchy." 

Kakuzu grabbed a book and sat down at his desk while Hidan laid out on a tatami mat on the floor with his hands behind his head. He spent very little time in his own room these days, mainly just slept in there really. Or went there when Kakuzu kicked him out. He didn't need an invitation to come in or stay there really, he had figured out when the ex waterfall ninja didn't explicitly say otherwise his presence wasn't totally abhored.

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