| chapter 1 | new beginnings

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ive been wanting to start writing something bc i personally think if u want something specific j do it urself sooooo here i am xoxo

my name is Astrid
yes like that bad bitch from how to train your dragon 😙

anyways yall how hard do u think it would be for me to pull ollie bearman????? im saying light work

ok ok im done being petty i hope yall enjoy 😋

leave suggestions if u want and pls comment bc ik all yall r funny asf.

"Y/n hurry up we gotta head over to the Ferrari garage!" Arthur yells from outside my cool down room. I open the door and meet Arthurs eyes.

"Ok I'm ready!" I say and we sprint to the garage, we always race even if its off track. We walk into Charles' side of the garage and Arthur starts to talk to him, I walk over to the computers and look at the data, seeing where Charles is starting from the grid. his pace looks good and the car hasn't had a power failure in a couple races.

"here to cheer me on y/n? or are you gonna stare at my fastest laps?" Charles says to me as he walks over to where I'm standing. He nudges me thinking I don't know about his presence, but trust me I know he's there.

"Yup just here to be your number one fangirl like usual," I joke, but of course with Charles' ego he can't take a joke.

"Aw you really are in love with me Y/n/n, how cute." he smirks looking right at me but I still have my eyes focused on some replays of the laps Charles was doing in fp1. I noticed he was to wide in corner 6, he had down shifted to late trying to bring more speed into the turn but it was making him sloppy and not setting him up correctly going into turn 7.

"you have to downshift a second earlier here," I say rewinding the replay and pointing at the car on the computer.

"you my engineer now?" he asks slightly annoyed that I noticed his small error.

"definitely not, but she is right, you look sloppy coming into turn 7." Charles actual engineer says, backing me up.

"see? I'm always right Leclerc." I say walking back towards Arthur who was talking to the pit crew.

"what?" Arthur asks me.

"not you dumbass, your sloppy brother." i say pointing at Charles.

"I swear to god y/n if I didn't have to be in this car right now, it'd be the end of you." Charles yells pointing back at me.

"yeah sure bud." I say giving him a quick wink, and throws his head back and continues to talk to his engineer.

"what was all that about?" Arthur asks me while excessively winking, he was really getting up in my face might I add.

"will you shut up! god, its nothing." I say pushing him away from me. he comes right back wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"you know the rules y/n, brothers are off limits." he says looking straight ahead, I turn my head to face him and I stop walking. I was flabbergasted he would even think I would hit on his brothers, let alone Charles. I grew up with his family and they were my family, I've seen Charles in some very odd phases so, no I would not hit on him.

"Arthur I would never hit on any of you guys, the amount of times I would go up to see you and Charles after a karting race when we were little and I just saw Charles smelling his tires..." I say trying to hold in my laugh.

"don't bring that up! stop!" Arthur yells covering my mouth as he starts to laugh. The Leclerc family brought me in when everything was falling apart. My Mother had passed away, and my father was never able to bounce back from it. He retired from F1 and had originally sent me to live with mick and his family, but it always made sense that I would live with the Leclerc's.

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