Chapter 44

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(This was before Funneh's sleepover) Lunar and Evan sat by the pond as it snowed. The green grass glowed white as unique individual snowflakes floated down to the spiky green field. The two were jokesters, not to mention lovers. They laughed and play pranks on each other and even their friends.

Lunar and Evan sat next to each other telling jokes and telling stories, "Who was your first kiss. If you told me, I forgot. Tell me." Lunar asked, than gave him kiss. Evan smiled, he thought for a moment, "Funneh, yes, yes. She tripped on a potato and well, yeah." Lunar's stared at him, "Who was yours?"

"It was a guy named Evan." Lunar smiled, "No one liked me that way in my old school and no one really talking to me...except for this one time, somebody named Dom Teretto," Evan laughed, "It's true I had a cardboard cut out of him in sixth grade and I kissed it, hey never underestimate the power of family." They laughed at the not funny joke.

Lunar touched Evan's hand and his thoughts ran through hers. She took her hand away, "Lunar? Are you okay?" Lunar had seen Evan's thoughts. When Lunar turned Jet-black and she glowed white, "You still like her don't you?" Lunar's voice was raspy then she turned normal, Evan was used to that, so he ignored it, "Who? Funneh? No! I love you, Lunar, Funneh was like a year ago." Evan smiled, Lunar did too, "Sorry about that, my dark side keeps showing." 

"So, do you still wanna kiss Dom Teretto?" Evan asked, Lunar laughed. "No, I wanna kiss you, ya' poop!" Lunar's leaned in and kissed him, "Dom Teretto's my second choice." They laughed. Evan leaned against a nearby tree and Lunar laid on him and fell asleep.


Evan and Lunar were talking and walking, Lunar felt tensed and slipped her fingers through Evan's. "Hello," Lunar stopped and Evan—following her behavior—stopped just a step in front of her, "old friend." Yandere, "Nice to see you again." Yandere stepped closer to Evan, "Since you didn't cooperate before maybe this will tempt you," she pressed a knife to his throat, "NO!" Lunar said without thinking, Yandere pressed harder, "FINE! JUST DON'T HURT HIM! Please." She said. Yandere smiled about sliced right through Evan's neck.

Lunar stared at her first and possibly last boyfriend fall to the floor. Lunar wanted to cry but she didn't, she held it until Yandere left. "Remember what you said, back of the school. 12:00 PM don't be late, don't bring anyone or anything except your witchness." Lightning struck and Lunar woke up right away.

When she saw she was lying on Evan's chest she sat up and kissed him, "Thank goodness your not dead." She said, Evan smiled confused, "Thanks? I think. Dream?" Lunar nodded and laid against Evan again.

~{Present time}~

Lunar looked at her watch, 11:50. She got up and put on her shoes, "Where you going, Beautiful?" Evan sat up and yawned, Lunar stopped in her tracks and turned slowly toward Evan. Trying to think of a lie, "um, Mafia thing, you weren't invited sorry." Evan yawned again and nodded, "Fine with me. Bye, Looney." Lunar smiled as Evan went back to sleep. 11:53. She walked out the door and to YHS grounds and went to the back of the school, 11:59.

Maybe I shouldn't have done this. Lunar thought, 12:00, Lunar turned to see Yandere, "Hello, right on the dot, unlike my other partner he was always late, it was all his girlfriend's fault." Lunar's did not care, "Why am I here, Yumi." Yandere smiled.

"Don't call me that. Give me some red spray paint and over up the snow tracks, please." Lunar pointed to Yandere's hand and a spray paint appeared in her hand and Lunar waved her hand up and the snow tracks they made dissolve into just thick snow, "Thanks, 'Looney'." Yandere passed her $100. "Don't call me that, only Evan can. Your welc-" Yandere disappeared. That's when Lunar realized she was working with a bad guy.


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