A Helping Hand

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Sun's pov:I was called to meet the new helper it was said he would be in charge of night time so I could get some rest since I have been stressed for the past few weeks. I helped the worker get him from his charging station. The worker turned on the animatronic and waited. As the animatronic turned on I started to realize that he had the same style as me so maybe we might have some things in common. Moon's pov:I woke up to be face to face with a sun animatronic sun's are usually bright but this one wasn't. He was wearing dark clothes, had black at the end of each ray, and wasn't smiling. "Hey" the sun said in a deep yet high pitch voice. It was kind of attractive and so was he. Sup I answered after realizing I zoned out. Sun's pov: his voice was very deep and...hot wait no you can't fall in love with him you just met him but he is hot. I'm guessing my face was red because he asked me if I was ok. Moon's pov:I put my hand on his forehead and quickly pulled me hand away. He was  burning up. Go lay down your burning up I told him. "But what about the kids?" Workers pov: Oh right I almost forgot Sun this is Moondrop Moondrop this is Sunrise. Moon is supposed to take care of the kids at night time. So I suggest you get going sir. "Don't call me that" the Moon demanded. Ok I said then left to be honest he is kind of creepy. Moon's pov: me and Sun walked into the play room of the daycare there were kids face first on the ground and some rocking back and forth on there feet then you have the older kids about 10 and older just leaning on walls asleep. Sun giggled and said that they weren't usually like this. His giggle was cute and didn't mach his looks. I stared blushing. I walked over to some of the kids and picked them up. Sun got the sleeping bags and I put them to sleep. After all the kids were asleep I was leaning on a wall then a hook bumped into me. I grabbed it and hooked it to Sun's back. Sun's pov: OH! k that is cold. Moon started laughing and so did I. After a while we stopped laughing and he picked me up. What are you doing I asked but got no answer. He yanked the string and I went in the air ♤I believe I could fly I believe I can touch the sky no? Ok♤ I yelled as it went up because I was deadly afraid of heights. Moon's pov:I grabbed the other hook and went up to Sun unlike him I wasn't afraid. I grabbed his hands and started spinning yet lowering us at the same time. After our feet hit the ground I let go of him and he fell backwards. ♤RIP Sunny♤

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