Forever... and a day.

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Quite frankly, Kelise would have rather been anywhere else but here. Stuck in this crowded ass living room with people on all sides of her. People that she swore she was done hanging with. Because that's how it usually works when you break up with someone, right? You cut off all contact with their family and friends.

Well, that wasn't the case when she broke up with Jeremih.

Okay, when Jeremih broke up with her.

For two years straight, she hadn't been able to rid herself of his family and friends.

And boy, did she want to.

Not because they weren't cool people, because they were, but because every time she interacted with them her mind took her straight to thoughts of Jeremih.

My Jere.

Her Jere.

Except, he wasn't hers anymore... no matter how much Kelise wanted him to be.

Kelise released a sigh as she looked down at the last sip of Hunch Punch in her red plastic cup. She'd promised Major, Jeremih's younger sister, that she would stay at her birthday party long enough to have one drink. Major filled her cup to the hilt, and Kelise was just about done with it.


Hunch Punch.

Even that made her mind fill with thoughts of Jeremih. He was the first person to ever fix her a cup. Jeremih warned her that even though it tasted like juice with no alcohol, it would sneak up on her and ger her drunk. Kelise didn't listen, and after consuming three cups, she'd had the time of her life... that she couldn't remember on her own to this day. Had their night not been recorded, Kelise would have absolutely no memories of it.

She smiled softly before closing her eyes and allowing the now room temperature liquid to slide down her throat. When she was done, Kelise wiped her mouth and searched the room for Major. With Major nowhere in sight, Kelise slid her phone in her pocket and stood to find her.

Her body shifted from side to side as she slid through small gaps of openings between people. Kelise let out a sigh of relief when she finally made it to the clear hallway. The kitchen, though crowded, wasn't as full as the living room. Major was nowhere in sight. Walking down the hall, the thought of Major being outside crossed Kelise's mind. Before she could turn around to head out to the patio, a large arm wrapped around her stomach as the owners' body pressed into the back of hers. His hand covered her mouth, and Kelise's anxiety shot through the roof.

He led her into the room on the left as Kelise covered his hand with hers in an attempt to push his arm down. But then... it hit her. The familiarity of his grip, the tattoo on his hand, the scent of his cologne.


Kelise relaxed against him, releasing the breath that had caught within her chest. She felt a ripple of excitement pass through her the moment the door closed behind them. Her heart began to hammer wildly within her chest as Jeremih's hand dropped from her mouth. Closing her eyes, Kelise gripped the sides of his jeans to keep him close. To keep him behind her. Away from her eyes. Because if she saw him... this moment would be real, not just a fantasy, and it would soon be over then.

Jeremiah placed a soft, full kiss to her neck as his hands cupped her breasts. Seemed as if her heart rushed to every place he touched – wanting, needing, to stay close to him. To its life source. Kelise waited until the quickened pulse of her heart subsided to open her mouth and question him, but that became impossible when his right hand slid between her dress. Between her thighs.

He pressed his body into the wall with a groan, pulling her into him deeply. His closeness was overwhelming. Had always been. Jeremih projected an energy and power that undeniably drew her to him. With quickened, soft force, Jeremih turned her in his arms, hands keeping her cheeks steady as he devoured her lips with his. The mere touch of his lips against hers sent a shiver through her. And when Jeremih's tongue slipped between her lips, Kelise sighed into his mouth and relaxed fully against him.

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