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Chris has woken up from another nightmare he had. He sighed and thought:"Jeez, why does everything have to be like this."

He got ready and headed off to High school.

Chris was known as the basketball captain in highschool and the popular guy as well.

As he  entered school, his two best friends Max and Alex came up to  him.

Max:"Hey dude, what's up?"

Chris:" Shitty as always , are you guys going to the basketball game after class?"

Alex:"I'm good,  maybe another time?Ayo, did you guys hear that we have a new girl joining our school?"

Max:"What? Is she good looking?"

Alex:"I don't know, some of them say she's a hot chic. Chris, maybe you'd be interested in her, since you don't have a real girlfriend."

Chris:"How many times should I tell you that I don't believe in love. Besides I have a girlfriend."

Max:"I know that Lexy is your girlfriend. Dude can't you see how toxic she is and  she's using you."

Alex:"For real man, she is using you ever since you became  popular."

Chris:"Do I give a crap? No, I don't. There's nothing I can do, her family is friends with mine and they wanted us to date. I don't love her and I'll never fall in love with a girl."

Max:"You're hard sometime. Oh yeah boys  I heard she's joining class C56 A."

Alex:"That's the class where Chris goes to, right?

Chris:"You can't be serious. She is joining my fucking  ass class!Jeez, how annoying."

Max:"Who knows, maybe you'll like her."


Chris:"Shut y'all  mouths or I'll shut it for you."

*School bell rings*

Max:"Yo, man we've gotta go. See you after class."

Chris:"Bye." Chris sighed for a moment and thought:
"How annoying can girls be, why is this new girl even joining me? I bet she as ugly as the other girls."

Chris went to class.

Professor Jones:"Good morning students, today we have a new student joining us. Amelia you may enter."

The new girl entered, everyone turned their attention at her.

Felix:"Psst, Chris. Look at this girl. She's hot."

Most noses started to bleed from boys but Chris wasn't interested at all.

Chris:"She's ugly."

Professor Jones:"Amelia, you may sit next to Chris. There he is"  he points to Chris' direction.

Chris:"Me?!Why does she  have to sit next to me?!"

Professor Jones:"Chris, be nice. She's new at this   school so  you better treat her with respect before you get  to detention."

Chris:"Do I look like I care, bitch."

Professor Jones:"Another word and you're sent to detention."

Chris thought to himself:
"Jeez, how annoying. Even this weird girl seems to be annoying."

Amelia came and sat next to Chris.

Professor Jones:"Everyone, you'll be making a project due next Tuesday. So partner up with the students sitting next to you.

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