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                                                       {🪴} . . .

being in the attic without special permission from chiron was strictly prohibited, especially when it came to prophecies and quests. (which was bo-ring, so obviously some kids snuck into the big house time after time ) they went up to the attic to consult the oracle, but none ever usually got too close to the mummy. one look and they were spooked out of their minds, but, undoubtably, the attic had good loot.

"be quiet, alisha!" nathan—a bastard son of hermes—quietly snapped. "you'll wake chiron—if he sleeps... does he?" i made a face at him.


"whatever, smartass." he stuck out his tongue and stopped next to an old shield. he squinted at the writing etched into the rim of it, but couldn't seem to make much out. i carefully hoisted myself to the floor of the attic, shivering at the presence of the oracle.

it was old and withered and... dead. i wondered what she looked like when she was alive.  probably prettier. much prettier then.. this.

"damn. she's dead." i mumbled.

nathan elbowed me in the rib, harshly. "ow!" i hissed quietly, elbowing him back. we glared at each other before rolling our eyes simultaneously. i nudged him forward. "well? off you go. consulting the oracle and whatever . . ."

"what? no. you can go. ladies first, right?"

"no, no, no, you wanted to be up here. you're going."

"no. you go."  

"rock, paper, scissors?" i prompt.  "loser consults the oracle and . . does the winner's chores. for—a—week." i challenge.

"oh, you're on."

we played three rounds. long story short, nathan won. he grinned manically as i cursed him out in ancient greek. nathan, being the total bastard he is, dramatically bowed and gestured his arms to the oracle. "off you go, m'lady." 

i glared at him one last time before taking a hesitant step forward, the floorboards creaked under my weight. i took another step, and the sound of hissing caused me to immediately look up. the mummified oracle sat slouched like a ragdoll on the three-legged stool. i took another step forward; the oracle didn't even flinch.

nathan snickered behind me.

i stood up straighter. "uhm.. i'm here to know some prophecy." at first, nothing happened. then the oracle's mouth opened, and green mist spewed out her(or, it? since was dead.) mouth, covering the floor and walls in a thick layer of green fog. tendrils curled at my feet, like snakes ready to wrap around my ankles and slither their way up. 

i might've been so scared i didn't even breathe—because all of a sudden, i felt lightheaded.

"I AM THE SPIRIT OF DELPHI, SPEAKER OF PROPHECIES OF PHOEBUS APOLLO, SLAYER OF THE MIGHTY PYTHON. APPROACH, SEEKER, AND ASK." the voice of the oracle rasped in my mind, the physical body never moved it's mouth once, but it's beady black eyes bore into mine.

under normal circumstances, nathan would've laughed. the first name of apollo was phoebus, but he closed his mouth and swallowed thickly. "g-go on, alisha, y-y-you heard what the councilors were talking a-a-about."

i wiped my sweating palms on my jeans. "what is the prophecy that the councilors were discussing?" i said, forcing my voice not to quiver. the mist became even thicker and collected in front of me. a hazy image of a little girl came into view, and she looked me dead in the eye. daphne? i wanted to say, but the image of the girl had bright green eyes, not her unusual purple.

the voice of the oracle sent a chill down my back. " a spark ignites, hidden in the shadows deep,  destiny's flame, the secret it shall keep,  within the battle, a choice must be made,
to love or to lose,
 let fate cascade. . . "

𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐘 →percy jackson (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now