The Dawn of a New Era

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*Note - please read the description of the story before beginning. It contains some very helpful background information to familiarize you with the characters.

 I shakily stepped off the rumbling train, examining my surroundings. It was beautiful, not quite what I imagined seeing when I arrived on the grounds of Hogwarts, and a warm spark of hope began to form deep within the caverns of my chest. I felt a large hand on my shoulder and turned to see my father, dressed in a colorful Hawaiian shirt, smiling down at me. I still couldn't believe he came with me, but I suppose it makes sense, considering he was the only parent I had left. 

"Mariam." My father called gently, catching my attention, "Let's review what we talked about." I groaned. We had already gone over the guidelines that I had to agree to attend school at Hogwarts. 

"No exploding of the sewage system. No erupting toilets, sinks, water bottles, or anything for that matter. No messing with people, unless there is a good reason. No stabbing, shooting, or injuring of any sort." I recited boringly. Hesitantly, I took a shallow breath as I completed the last few things on the list. "No bloodbending. No siren singing."

"Very good." My father said approvingly. "Now, let us be on our way." I let him lead the way, assuming he knew where he was going. My mind began to wander as we started towards the elegant castle, reminding me of the last two rules on the list. Of course, I didn't typically blood bend or sing, especially since the last incident I had. Bloodbending was a quality some children of Poseidon possess, such as my brother Percy Jackson. Although, he never truly experimented with the skill, unlike me. I have trained for years in this art, which has probably not benefitted my mental stability. It is nasty work, calling on the element of water that makes up a large portion of the human body. I connect with it, and will it to do whatever I please. I can make blood boil, or freeze, or seep through a person's pores. I can even form a blood clot, causing heart attacks. I shivered at the dark thought. The other skill I possess is not a typical skill that is found among children of the sea. Siren singing is a bit less brutal than bloodletting but equally as dangerous. I simply have to tune in with the part of me that is connected to the sea and use my voice to target people. The siren's voice shows them their greatest desire, driving them insane. I can use this to my advantage and take control of their mind and body, forcing them to do whatever I please. Thankfully, I can turn this skill on and off at will, allowing me to sing normally as well. 

I was shaken out of my trance when my father stopped in front of me, causing me to crash into his back. Panic-ridden, I quickly straightened out any wrinkles I left in his shirt, causing him to laugh.

"Dear one, you know I'm not like Zeus." He cackled. Relieved, I giggled. I was all too used to god's responses to anything we demigods did wrong. Most of the time I forget that my father isn't typically like the rest. He turned around and we casually walked into the castle entrance, taking many twists and turns until we found ourselves at a great set of doors, which held a room full of excited chattering and such. Confidently, my father swung open the door, revealing a large room of students in robes and hats. I immediately noticed the separation of robes between the four tables. At the opposite side of the room, a man in blue robes stood eying us warily. 

"Who are you?" He addressed my father coldly. Suddenly, I felt my blood turn to ice when I noticed how many eyes were trained on us. Without saying a word, my father began walking down the center of the room, I followed him a few steps behind, cautiously avoiding the stares of the students. When we reached the end of the room, my father approached the old man with a blank face. 

"Dumbledore." He stated, "It's been a while." Recognition flashed across the face of the man who I assumed was called Dumbledore. He immediately fell to his knees, showing the proper recognition of a god.

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