A Swaying Soiree

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My grey hooves clomped through the lit streets of Filly Delphia, passing plenty of other ponies along the way. It was good to see that there were still places mostly unaffected by the Chaos. Much of the Equestrian way of life has yet been preserved, but anypony you talk to can tell you that they've experienced changes. Many say that it's the things that they keep doing, the things they've always done, that makes this new Equestria easy to live in. It was usually a big deal to see ponies in armor, wearing weapons at their flank, but now I don't seem to get quite as many odd looks. Thank Celestia not everypony need arm themselves, but the fact that every city, town, and village has some kind of guard tells you that everypony's life has altered course at least a little bit.

Anyway, I wasn't moving through the street at night because I wanted to think about the Chaos some more. Tonight I was hoping to find some respite, a place where I could relax and enjoy myself, to not be the war veteran I found myself becoming. Out in the square of town, I caught the sounds of a party. Perhaps not as wild and energetic as the ones Pinkie Pie used to throw, but a celebration nonetheless. It was open-air, so I took the opportunity to join in. As I trotted up, a few individuals gave me graven looks, instantly knowing what kind of pony I was and what I did, but they quickly brightened up after, giving me welcoming smiles, then returned to their dancing, drinks, and snacks. One earth pony walked up to me and graced me with the most genuine smile I've seen in many years. Her deep red coat and soft green mane were so simply beautiful, I was honestly taken aback for a moment. "Hello there! I don't think we've met, I'm Berry Twist! What's your name?" I admit I was in a bit of a daze admiring the sweetly small curls in her mane and the darker red freckles on her cheeks that I stammered for a moment to respond.

"U-uh, hmm? Oh, oh, uh, Glint Hoof."

"Glint Hoof, huh? A good, strong name, good sir! Why don't you come on and join in on the fun? We're celebrating Luna's Return tonight, so feel free to enjoy the evening! We've got cider!"

"You've got me there. I would love a mug."

"Well then come on, Glinty!" She led me by the hoof over to the refreshments table and passed me a glass of cider. It was the best I've tasted in a long time, perhaps for two reasons. One, since the last I'd had was from Sweet Apple Acres, and two, because that was well before the Chaos Moment. And maybe three because she was the one who gave it too me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't smitten. "So, taste good?" Her cheery disposition was infectious.

"Darn right it does!" I licked the foam off my upper lip.

"Well, come on, let's have some fun tonight. To the dance floor!"

"Oh, just a moment." I rubbed at my armor, and she seemed to get it.

"Sure, sure, can't dance very well in that heavy gear. I'll be waiting for you!" She gave me a wink before she turned and trotted off. I watched her go, then turned to find an empty table where I could deposit my equipment. I certainly had a lot of it, and it took me several minutes to take off all the straps. Nopony seemed to mind all the noise I was making as my plate clattered to the ground, then as I placed it all on the low table. The music coming from the speakers seemed to drown out most of the ruckus I was making anyway. I got the chance to watch Berry as she danced with the others while I stowed everything, and I have to say even the way she danced was appealing. There was hardly any restraint, coupled with an undoubted grace, even on her hind legs. That kind of freedom was something I quickly came to admire. My thoughts followed through on just why I admired her brand of freedom that she seemed to exude. It was something I wouldn't truly be able to experience for myself. I was duty- and honor-bound to service to Her Majesty Celestia. I do not regret that decision, but, at least for the foreseeable future, there was no way I could let myself simply enjoy life. I'd sworn to protect it. To protect ponies like Berry, so they didn't have to worry.

A Swaying SoireeWhere stories live. Discover now