🦋The hating factor 🦋

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Growing up you're either fond of something or you loathe their very existence, Louis had both. He was quite fond of his neighbour, Alex, Alex Styles with smart green eyes, black hair and a charming smile that wiggled its way in Louis' life making a spot in his eight year old self.

But then comes the loathe of his existence in the form of the devil's spawn itself, Harry motherfucking Styles, with similar green eyes but they were far more greener and darker, Louis hated him, curly brown locks that bounced around, bunny teeth maniacal smile pairing with deep dimples that rubbed Louis every time the wrong way because it was so goddamn frustrating.

On one hand while Louis adored and glowed under Alex's attention he flushed and scoffed under Harry's unwanted teasing.

Don't get him wrong, he didn't even mean to be rivals with Harry because for gods sake they weren't even neighbors, just people who Live across each other, but the first time Louis was introduced to Harry the boy bit his ring finger off, sharp enough for Louis to Cry in pain and a cut to appear on his tiny finger that bled out, that was the day he decided when his teary eyes met Harry's stupid green ones that he's always always gonna hate him, hate the boy with no manners.

And that's when Alex came to the rescue.

It worsen even more as years went by because Alex was not his academic rival Harry was, it irked him because how can he have the perfect score and be on the stupid football team simultaneously! And the fact that his parents never failed to remember him how perfect Harry was didn't helped much. The comparison sometimes felt like a burden that was slowly burying Louis under the ground with how heavy it felt. He wanted to be free, to live a life where he didn't had neither his parents nor Harry in it.

"Louis be more like Harry why don't you? He's in the same grade as you but look at him, he's got a scholarship in Harvard because of his capabilities." His mother said making him freeze. This is what he meant. He can't have a break can he?

"Uh mum I got in Harvard too... is Harry going there?" He gulps down the peas, a shock look crosses her before she nods, "Yes. Why didn't you tell us about your acceptance letter! How can you be so incompetent Louis! Irresponsible!" She hisses.

"I-I didn't got the chance—"

"Whatever. It's not like you got a scholarship like Harry. Eat your food." His father coldly interrupts, being an only child sucked when your parents expected you to do more, excel both lives. Louis didn't had the other, social one because none of his friends stayed with him more often, they said he was a pretentious person like his parents which he refuses to believe.

Hence why he stopped making friends, either way they wasted his time. He had more important issues to worry about. Like how in the hell is he going to survive Harry Styles in college? Not to forget how Alex went there too. While he was utterly happy that he got to see Alex after a year of departure he found himself agitated that Harry would berate him there too.

Everyone in Louis' life always compared him with Harry except Alex who often said that Louis was perfect as he is he didn't need to be annoying like Harry maybe that's why he liked him so much.


Louis squinted his eyes at the mirror, eyeing his features for a slight error—

"Jesus Blue the mirror is going to break. You're so pathetic." A voice almost sneers from beside and Louis rolls his eyes before applying a thick layer of gloss on his lips, he smacks it and pouts satisfied with how glittery his lips look and then turns to face the devil's spawn himself, who eyes him with a weird look but then he schools his expression into a blank one and stares back.

"What's more pathetic is your existence." Louis sweetly says and the boy rolls his green eyes, "For someone with a perfect GPA that was a lame comeback."

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