24.You are nothing!

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When Yibo left room Zhan's curiosity took best of him. Yibo's words somehow affected him. He waited till 11:30 pm but Yibo didn't come so he threw his blanket and went out in search of his husband.
He looked in kitchen, Hall and living room but Yibo was nowhere so he went in lawn where he spotted a figure and recognized him.

He went near him with light steps but Yibo was in his thoughts so didn't notice his presence when he was busy talking on mobile someone was unknowingly admiring him.

When Yibo felt cold he turned around to go back inside but saw Zhan who was standing there.

Happy New Year dd!!!
Zhan said but Yibo was more concerned about other person's outfit who was just wearing his pyjamas.
Zhan was waiting for reply but instead got a coat. Yibo gave his coat to him.

Zhan ge!!! You should care about you...it's cold here and you came like that...

I'm fine dd...

Ok then let's go back inside...

Saying that Yibo started walking but Zhan was disappointed because Yibo didn't wish him.
It's okay Zhan what are you expecting and even why are you expecting something from him. Just think about yourself and your plans nothing else...

Zhan reminded himself and followed Yibo back to room.
After reaching to room Yibo turned toward Zhan and hugged Zhan. He was shocked with his own actions and Zhan's eyes almost popped out when he understood what Yibo did 😳

Happy New Year Zhan ge...

Zhan hearing Yibo's words hugged him back they stayed like that almost two minutes Yibo's heart was thumping and Zhan well he was still processing the situation but inside he was happy not like 😊 but 😈

They broke hug and without glancing each other went to sleep.
Next morning Zhan wokeup earlier than usual got ready and went out for looking Yubin.

When Yibo wokeup it was already 11 am. He hurriedly went in bathroom for getting ready.
When he came back he saw a box was placed at bed with a small note.

He saw the note
For DD...
Yibo smiled as opened the box there was a necktie but tie was not looking new still Yibo wore that tie because this was the first time Zhan gave something to him. He got ready and went downstairs there he wished family members New Year; Mr and Mrs Wang was also there and Yanli with them. Yibo talked to them happily Ziyi was smiling all the time when she looked Yibo.

Zhan came in Hall and as soon as he saw Yibo anger spread inside his veins.
He grabbed Yibo's hand with his left hand and dragged him upstairs. Everyone was shocked and confused by Zhan's behaviour.

Zhan came inside there room and almost threw Yibo on bed.

Who the hell give you permission to touch my things.

Zhan roared on Yibo who was not recovered by previous behaviour of Zhan now Zhan's voice startled him. There was tears rolling on his cheeks...

Tell me dammit...!!!

Once again Zhan shouted Yibo was scared still he managed to answer...

Didn't you give me this to wear...

Whatt!! Me???
Ohh stop playing innocent...
You dare to touch my stuff and saying I gave you this..

Yibo just stood there silently tears rolling from eyes.

Listen Mr. Wang Yibo never in this lifetime I'll give this necktie to you to wear.... you know you are just nobody you are not worthy to wear this...you are nothing...

Every word of Zhan was like a knife to Yibo. With every word his heart was piercing with unbearable pain.
Zhan went near him and grabbed his necktie almost choking him.
Harshly he removed tie and put in the box and inside his wardrobe.
Yibo stood there like a statue just warm liquid was flowing through his eyes.
Zhan again came near him..

Why are you acting like a victim here...at first you dare touch my stuff now showing that you are pitiful...WangYibo I'm not someone who will fall for your these stupid crocodile tears.
Now stop this drama and let's go downstairs.

Z-zhan ge!!!

Yibo gathering all his courage spoke actually whispered but Zhan was able to listen that so he stopped...

Zhan ge I..I...s..swear to G..God I didn't touch y..your stuff and this tie was placed at bed with a note said for dd...that's why I wore the tie....I'm sorry...

With his sobs Yibo completed his sentence and without looking Zhan...he went inside bathroom.
Entering inside he slided by door and cried hardly.

Zhan was confused but processed Yibo's words. He understood something was wrong and cursed himself for his outrageous behaviour but now there was party what more important to attend so he went near bathroom door and said...

Come down party is about to start...

There was no reply so he left from there.
In hall family members were looking him with questioning gaze when he said...

O there was a little misunderstanding and we sorted it out so don't worry....

Mr. Xiao where is bobo...
Asked Mr Wang. Who clearly know there was something wrong.

He is coming...you all go to lawn guests are coming...Yubin take them..

Yes sir!

They all left Zhan looked upside toward their room and sighed after 2 minutes he also left.

Poor Yibo..
Ziyi stated who was still there...she smirked and also went outside.


Thanks for reading 😊

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