Return Of Royalty | Chapter VII

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Valhalla went alone. He wanted to prove to the Royal Navy that he was not weak. The skirmish with King George V was just a fluke. 

However he couldn't find Fenrir at the base, which was odd. Valhalla pushed the sudden thought out of his head as he quickened his pace.

However when Valhalla arrived, he was surprised that there was clearly an American carrier there.

Valhalla: That must be USS Wasp.

All dorms at the Azur Lane base had pictures of the person who occupies the room by the door, Valhalla had seen Wasp's picture at the Yorktown Class dorms.

QE: Well, it seems that we have found our test subject again!

Some of the Royals looked confused.

Valhalla: Wait, not all of them were informed?

Howe: Your majesty, what do yo—

KGV: Silence, Howe.

Howe looked like she was have a battle of morals.

Valhalla: I know that all too well.

Wasp: You performed tests on him?!

QE: Yes.


QE: No, they aren't. They're traitorous scum, something you Americans know very well.

Wasp: Oh you little—

QE: Silence.

Wasp: I do not follow your orders.

QE: You don't? Oh well, Belfast, detain the mutineer and take her to port to be court-martialed. 

Belfast was stunned at first, having the same dilemma as Howe. Wasp was their ally.

Belfast: ...Yes, your majesty.

Wasp: Oh you bitch! 

Belfast put Wasp in cuffs and led her back to port.

QE: Where were we? Ah yes...FIRE AT WILL!

The Royals opened fire. Valhalla instinctively dodged as he pulled both swords out of their scabbards.

KGV: Move in!

George, Duke of York, Monarch, and Wales moved up to battle Valhalla. Howe also did so, albeit reluctantly, Monarch having a quicker moment of reluctance. All kinds of swings were thrown at Valhalla, but he managed to block them.

Valhalla was having to fight for his life, he didn't know what they were going to do to him, and he didn't want to find out.

KGV: You shall perish this battle, Valhalla!

Valhalla was dodging and weaving between swords and shells, however he was being put under a lot of pressure. Valhalla gritted his teeth as he pushed his body beyond the threshold, his muscles starting to scream out in pain. 

All he was thinking about was ignoring the pain, until a flash in his left eye and a searing pain going vertically up his face on the left side. Then pain shot up in his shins.

In the next moment, he was looking up at the sky while on his back.

KGV: It's over, Valhalla. You're finished.

Valhalla moved his turrets and pointed them at George. George went to plunge her sword into Valhalla's chest. 

Valhalla closed his eyes and waited for deaths embrace. The sound of British guns ringing through his ears. 

But death never came.

Valhalla opened his eyes and saw that Odin was standing over him, George's sword going through her stomach. 

Odin then fell limp beside Valhalla.

Something triggered inside of Valhalla, he felt his left eye go cold, his weapons changing in feel, something more powerful than adrenaline rushing through his veins. 

Valhalla stood back up, a red glow emitting from his left eye, and in his hands was a zweihänder.

KGV: What in the name of gods?!

In the chaos, George let go of her sword instead of pulling it out of Odin. Valhalla swung at George, the heavy sword barely missing her. George then fired at Valhalla, but the shells just bounced off against his body.

KGV: What are you!?

The water behind Valhalla suddenly ripped open, a mechanical dragon coming out of the sea.

Valhalla looked at the dragon and realized it was Fenrir.

Fenrir's mounted guns started opening up on the Royals, all but Howe and those who were reluctant to fight.


The Royals retreated at the order of their Queen, all the while being pelted by shells.

Eventually they went beyond the horizon. Fenrir dived beneath the waves and Valhalla returned to normal.

Valhalla then deactivated his rigging and brought Odin to the medical wing on his ship. Once he laid her down, he ordered his ship to all flank ahead, pushing the engines to their rated limit, but he wasn't satisfied. Valhalla pushed the engines so much that throughout the ship there was a slight vibration, but not so bad to where the propeller shafts would break. 

Valhalla then inspected Odin's wound.

Valhalla: Ok, looks like it might've hit the Aorta.

If it did hit the Aorta, then Odin would be on the clock when they removed the sword.

Valhalla ran to the radio station and contacted the base.


Bismarck: Receiving.

Valhalla: Need all capable hands to the hospital ready for my arrival.

Bismarck: May I ask why?

Valhalla: Bis, just do it.

Valhalla got off the radio.


Valhalla had just got to the port and had grabbed Odin. He jumped off his ship and rushed to Kamerun who was at the docks waiting.

Kamerun: Any notable things.

Valhalla: I'm no expert but it looks like it might've got the Aorta.

Kamerun: Then I must hurry.

They then arrived at the OR's door's. Kamerun went to grab Odin.

Valhalla: I can help.

Kamerun: No. If it did get the Aorta, you'll be more of a liability than an asset.

Kamerun then grabbed Odin and carried her into the OR.

Valhalla: If she dies may she go to Valhalla.

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