▪︎■ 29 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

"I don't want you to gooo!"

"I know, Elia. I have to... I promise I'm back in three days," I answered.

"Would you like some cake, bambina? I heard you really, really like chokolate cake with gummy bears?"

I gave signora Brambilla a thankful look. That woman truly was a blessing. Erlina stopped screaming. I understood her, I really did. She had every right to throw a fit and be angry at me. It was just exhausting and frustrating to see her like that when I knew this was the only way to keep us safe. She just didn't understand it yet. She couldn't.

I remembered myself as a child, when my father did more or less the same. I understood him now. But it did not make it better for the girl inside me that was left alone when life was the hardest. The only hope I had, was that this would be the last time I had to leave her related to business. The only times of saying goodbye like this should be those, normal families go through; first day of primary school, college, if she wants to at least...

Not because mommy has to kill someone in order to keep you safe.

If she knew what I had done, what I still did... maybe she would sooner or later leave me anyway. And I had no right to stop her.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the depressing thoughts.

My hand grabbed the handle of the suitcase after I got into my coat. My heels clicking against the floor were quickly accompanied by the sound of Adrin's steps coming into our direction.

"I don't want cake. I want to come with you!" My daughter finally answered. When she saw Adrin, her face lit up.

"I'm going with you, right?"

He blinked in perplexity. "That's not up to decide for me. It's not safe for you there, remember?"

"Is it safe for you then?" She asked feistyly.

Goddamn, this child. She spends way too much time with me... That didn't age well...

"We can handle it, we're grown, mija," I answered for Adrin who looked slightly caught off guard. At least she got to be her old self again, not the overly scared and disturbed version of my daughter. Either way, she was my baby but I knew that meant she was feeling safe and confident enough to say that right now.

"That's stupid," she said, snarky.

"Language, young lady! ¡Sé que estás enojada, pero no empieces a maldecir! ¿Entendido?" (I know you're angry but don't start cussing! Understood?)

"Síí, mama," she rolled her eyes.

Obviously not, missy.

"Come here, Elia," I said, gesturing with my finger to support my words. I knelt down to her and cupped her face. A strand of hair was in front of her eyes so I placed it behind her hair. I kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry for leaving. I promise I'll be alright. You're such a strong little lady, you know that?"

"You say that all the time."

"Because you are, baby," I said smiling. "Te amo."

"Te amo, mama."

"Now go get that chokolate cake and eat a piece for me too, m'kay?"

My daughter smiled sadly and took signora Brambilla's hand. I got up, my gaze still on her going to the kitchen. Her head turned around one more time and she waved at me, then Adrin. I felt tears in my eyes but forced them away by looking up. I hated to do all this, but I was forced to. I knew as soon as I would leave the jet, I had to be Chupacabra again. Not Ainara, not the mother of Erlina. Just rage driven, ruthless Chupacabra. I was scared. Scared I would like it too much. The last time ended with me leading the biggest mafia of Colombia and I could've never predicted the outcome of my next mission.

So I turned my gaze to the door, took my suitcase and didn't look back.


It was quiet between the two of us. The uncomfortable kind of quiet. Adrin sat inside the car, driving us to the private jet that would take us to Russia.
At least the way wasn't as long as I had thought and we had reached the jet quickly. I took my luggage and gave it to one of the flight attendents after walking towards them and getting out of the car of course.

"Have a pleasant flight, miss," one of them said.

"Thank you-... Miss Miller." I gave her a friendly smile after checking out her name tag to thank her properly.

I watched Adrin walking to the stairs and the entrance of the jet, before then disappearing through it. I hurried and got my ass inside as well. Who knew if he wouldn't have randomly decided to leave me here.

It was luxurious to say the least. It still amazed me to this day to see the rich's lifestyle, even though I was technically one of them.

I may live inside a villa but I will never stop collecting coupons, using all the food in the fridge without throwing it away and taking the little shampoo and lotion bottles from hotel rooms.

I took a seat opposite to Adrin. He completely ignored me. I put one leg over the other, observing him while he looked at his phone.

God damn these veiny hands...

The door closed and the pilot spoke through the speakers, announcing that the flight would take about 12 hours. Damn. Twelve hours with him inside a closed room. Without any chance to get away from the other.

The speaker died down and left us to ourselves.

The flight attendent from before came to us, smiling politely. "May I get you a drink?"

"Sure," I looked to Adrin, still on his phone making no move to answer, "Just two Whisky, neat. Thank you."

A few moments passed until she returned with the drinks. I took a sip immediately and she disappeared when Adrin said nothing. Again. We buckled ourselves up when the pilot announced we would start the flight now. Adrin was still on his phone.

"You can't ignore me forever now, can you?" I said calmly.

No answer again. Then, finally, he put his damn phone away and took the drink instead. "I didn't ignore you, I was busy. Now I'm not," he stated.

I looked outside the window and watched the floor moving faster and faster with the jet driving. It made me feel encouraged to finally talk to him in a safe and non territorial ground.
My gaze returned to Adrin.

"Fine then. We have to talk. I discovered a second mole and I know his identity."


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