▪︎■ 30 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

I listened to her while she told me everything about the mole and it truly surprised me what she said. I was still fucking pissed though and her only now telling me about something so important didn't make it any better.
I tried to avoid her eyes. I couldn't look at her. Particularly at her eyes. Because then I would drown in them again with nothing but unholy thoughts- thoughts which included fucking and killing.

"If you're mad at me go ahead. Yell at me," she demanded.

I was still avoiding her eyes like the plague because I knew she was staring at me.
I heard her shifting in her seat, then saw her walking towards the space right next to me. She sat down. Fuck, I can smell her parfume and... her.

"Could you fucking talk to me?!" She said, obviously frustrated now.

"Since when do you know?" I finally answered, pinching the bridge of my nose.

She was silent for only a second. "I found out the day I left your house..."

I scoffed. "Ah, that day."

"Yes, that day. Anything you want to say?" She challenged me.

"Let me think... Maybe that you could've told me fucking sooner?! Would've been great!" I answered sarcastically.

"I could've simply not told you, you know? Could've done it my-fucking-self!"

That made me snap. "See, that's exactly the problem with you! You can't form an alliance when wanting to do everything alone, everything your goddamn way! It just won't work! You can't listen to others, always think your opinion is the only one that counts! You can't trust for shit!"

"Yes, it's true, I really have problems trusting anyone! I only work alone, because that was the only way shit worked for years! I can't trust, because I never got any- not one reason to! I relate on my opinion because I've learned not to relate on others! I formed an alliance, because I do anything to protect my daughter! You're judging me without knowing me!" She answered, louder and more emotional.

"Maybe I would know you if you would let somebody in for fucks sake! Your ways tend to fuck things up if I may remind you of you killing the only two people that could've lead to Jiménez in the first place!"

"I've had my reasons."

I shook my head in disbelief. "You had your reasons?"

"Do you know what I went through, Adrin?! Do you know what I had to endure because of Emilio and Gutiérrez? Do you have one clue that I may have had a very good reason to kill them? To kill Erlina's own father? You only thought I killed them because I'm a traitor, that I work for Emilio or that I just wanted to? That I used you or wanted to fuck you over, along with Emilio? What was it, Adrin?!" Her voice broke.

I answered as emotional as her. "Of course I did! What would you think when your partner turns out to be lying since you know them? That they have a daughter and kept her existence to herself! You have a whole life I knew nothing about, which is directly connected to Emilio! You don't explain shit!"

"You could've done worse if you knew the truth. You already held a gun to my face when finding out about Erlina! How do you think am I going to trust you, huh?!"

"But you expect the same from me?!How can you be the one saying that! You broke my trust!"

She let out a loud, frustrated noise, then got up out of her seat.

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