What a "wonderful" world

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Normally, when a baby, girl or boy, is brought into the world the parents are loving, but with lesselie this wasn't the case. December 25 2008 little lesslie was born. Her parent were expecting a handsome baby boy, and they were thinking how it was going to be a "christmas mericle" but soon they completely changed there minds. When they had first seen lesslie, her mom was crying while her dad looked at her completely disgusted. When the nurses left he yelled at his wife Caroline saying how she should have gotten an abortion as if she knew the gender. Caroline and him were so certain it would be a boy that they decided they wait till birth to find out the gender.
and it was a surprise for sure. When the nurses came back Lucas, lesslies dad, had claimed that it was some sort of mixup.  they reassured them that this was no mixup.  It was 100% his child. While Lucas was trying to get rid of the burden that he had helped make, lesslies mom looked into her baby's ice blue eyes while crying. When it was time to leave They had tried to leave her yet they had not choice to to take lesslie home with them.  When they had arrived they made lesslie sleep in the unfinished basement. It was cold and eerie. The walls which were a disgusting throw up green had stains all over them and the floors were stone.  In the corner of her room, across from her crib, you could see a dead mouse. It's flesh had been rooting off the bones which meant it probable hadn't been killed that long ago. This sad room was the room that lesslie grew up in. And that was the beginning of the lesslies depresing life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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