As the loud annoying alarm clock blared through Marcy's room, she slowly stirred awake, opening one eye, while debating on if she should get more sleep and end up being late or not.

For a second, she let her eyes droop, but once she realized what day it was, they immediately sprang open and she quickly sat up while looking around to find her phone, once she did, she quickly turned off the alarm and stared at the screen for a few seconds, letting herself zone out.

That was quickly disrupted though, when Mrs. Wu opened the door and poked her head in, seeing her daughter sitting there, staring off into the distance, made her huff.

"Stop just sitting around and get ready!" She yelled, startling Marcy, who jolted and turned to look at her.

Her mother sent her an annoyed look, but turned around and shut the door behind her, not sparing her daughter one last glance.

Marcy shook her head, but not even her mother could stifle her happy mood, as she rushed to get out of bed and grab the clothes she prepared, before heading in the shower.


After she had gotten done taking a shower, she had brushed her tangled hair and tried not to get too annoyed when it'd fall into her eyes, since it had had been getting longer.

Once she was finished, she studied herself in the mirror, wondering if she was overdoing anything or didn't look pretty enough.

You may be wondering what exactly Marcy was excited for, that made her picky at ever small detail about her appearance, and it was two things actually.

Firstly, it was her first day of high school, she'd be a freshman, and she was excited to explore the school and learn more thing.

And secondly, but most importantly, it'd be the first time she got to see Anne after not getting to spend time with her most of the summer. She did get to see her from time to time but they never got to hang out alone. But now that school was here, they'd get to have more chances for that.

And another minor detail — Marcy has had the biggest crush on Anne since elementary, but she never had the courage to tell her how she felt, fearing for the worst.

But now that it was a new year, she felt like she was confident enough to confess her feelings, once and for all. Anne was her best friend too, so she knew the girl wouldn't react negatively.

So, it's safe to say that nothing would bring down her happy mood.



Marcy's mother had dropped her off at school, driving off immediately after Marcy had gotten off, though the ravenette was used to it.

As she get closer to the school, her nerves built up, it was way larger than her old school, but that was fine, it still wouldn't bring down her mood, she'd find her way around, and besides, it was freshman only day, which meant everyone else would be just as lost as her.

When she walked through the school doors, there were kids going both ways, trying to find their classes, without making total fools of themselves.

Marcy's main goal wasn't finding her class, though, she did glance at her schedule to see she had U.S History as her first class, on the 2nd floor. Her primary goal was finding Anne.

She looked around the sea of unfamiliar faces, but couldn't find the girl that has lingered in her dreams, making her just a tad bit sadder.

But, she didn't need to fret anymore, since her phone buzzed, and it was from the brunette herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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