Three Joyous Trainers

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FYI: 'The Trainer' is how I will refer the reader. No 'you' for.. Uh, you. also, if you don't wanna read my description of un-ID'd ghost, I tacked on an image. also, for the bold italic bits, if you know, you know ;)

Red and Blue had an unrelenting rivalry as Pokemon trainers ever since they chose their Pokemon, Bulbasaur and Charmander, making an unerring effort to beat each other in battle, but it was all in good fun.

He declared his brother his rival...

And, so caught up in aforementioned rivalry, they never noticed the new soon-to-be trainer who had just moved in, querying Professor Oak all about Pokemon, alluding poorly, like a Voltorb telling you it wont explode when it totally, totally will, to having their own Pokemon.

The Professor admired their unending curiosity, so he gave in and lent them Squirtle, the last Pokemon on the table. And, well, the trainer was about to Self-Destruct from how much joy just hit them, they might as well have died on the spot. (Thankfully, humans don't learn Self-Destruct in most cases.)

But, let's say that when Oak introduced the trainer to the rivalry of Red and Blue, they weren't so joyous at first.

However, life (and my motivation) is too short for lingering in the past! Let's see what these three are up to now!

The Trainer had soon made their way out of the winding Rock Tunnel and through Route 10, with some trouble given that there were trainers left and right. Thankfully, Wartortle had sufficed(even when a Slowpoke kept Yawning and the trainer kept popping all their Awakenings) and had now ended up in the purple-blasted supersized cemetery that was Lavender Town.

Despite both striving to be the best, one was hesitant to enter Lavender Town, and never would visit Pokémon Tower.

Sure, there were quite a few buildings(and people) scattered around, but one of them drew in curious eyes the most.

It was the Pokemon Tower, which the trainer, struck by awe, hobbled over to (read the sign of course, it was Lavender Tower. Also, darn trainer hasn't seen the Celadon Department yet. Pokemon Tower has some competition...), to which a small child with pastel pink, scruffy hair and a glossy blue t-shirt waddled over and, without missing a beat, nor stuttering once, inquired,

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

The trainer, in response, gave an indifferent shrug. The child puffed their cheeks, unamused, and strides away. The trainer found the question perplexing, but it wasn't worth their time in the moment, because the tower was awfully intriguing...
The trainer slipped into the gargantuan tower, and just on the base floor, many people, old and young, were clumped and cluttered everywhere. Thankfully, there was a stairway, meaning the trainer could cling to the wall and ascend to the next floor without averting attention to themselves.

The next floor was a small maze of gravestones. The amount of gravestones made the trainer a bit weary. Maybe they weren't an empath, but there was a faint sob emitting from the graves. Or was it just them? They pranced their way through without any trouble, however the odd feeling still trailed along.

The following floor was cloaked by a thick white mist, maybe. The trainer surely didn't know what it was, but it fit the format of the previous floor, however the path was scrambled. The trainer struggled to see through the mist, as only small blotches of vision was not covered by it.

They took a few steps, their line of sight constantly moving to monitor the gravestones, the odd trainers, and, well, themselves at the same time. If a Channeler (the type of trainer that is found in Pokemon Tower) were to incoherently call them over, they'd no doubt hear it. It was no doubt that the amount of gravestones was devastating. It meant that many people had went through an agonizing loss. As they traversed through this floor of the tower, the thought remained there. The thought was sickeni--

"Not... Welcome!"

A Channeler croaked the words towards the trainer and viciously pointed at them. The trainer, astonished, turned urgently to the Channeler. The Channeler stared at them, but their stare seemed disoriented, inhumane. The Channeler sent out a Gastly, which the trainer didn't have a counter for. So, naturally, they just winged it with Wartortle and hit it with a critical Water Pulse, which sent the spooky ball of gas down.

What they overlooked was that Wartortle's level had, by a sliver of experience, made it to level 36 (the trainer had a few 'I need to overlevel' moments), and, after the Channeler's general body language returned to someone more.. Normal, the Trainer's Wartortle burst into a bright light, it's body growing bigger and it seemed to lift off the ground for just a moment. The trainer watched its Pokemon evolve, starstruck, without even glancing away for a moment, until the light subsided and Wartortle had become a Blastoise.

The Channeler, meanwhile, held a confused but wide-eyed stare from their ghostly experience and staggered out the Tower with caution.

The trainer took a small glance back at her before a Wild Pokemon swept up in front of them and Blastoise.

It couldn't be identified (Silph Scope...), so it remained a figure of a ghost(I will use the Gen 1 unidentifiable ghost for this). But, the trainer didn't know that this ghost had a few appearance adjustments that an average Non-ID ghost didn't have.

There were a few tufts of darkness protruding from the sides of where the head would presumably be, like middle-parted hair. Plus, its eyes had some slight adjustments, the area where the arch met its peak was pushed closer to where the two eyes were closest, making the ghost look less hostile.

The trainer, already a bit weary from the ghost, tried to have Blastoise use Water Pulse. But Blastoise only stood their, quaking in terror. The ghost did not attack, and, instead of booming a grim message, the ghost said nothing at all. The trainer gently rubbed the top of Blastoise's head to comfort it, to which the ghost seemed interested in. After a few tense moments of this, the trainer had the Blastoise retract into it's Pokeball and ran. Bolted straight out of the tower.

The Ghost didn't attack?

The ghost laughed from the trainer's reaction. It was a change, something different for once. Sure, the trainer haf already fled, but the ghost still let the joyous edit in the schedule of doing nothing float in it's head.
Now; let's get back to the trainer.
The trainer, as you know, rushed straight out the tower after seeing the Ghost. They were now sitting at one of the tables in the PokeCenter, trying to soothe the distressed Blastoise with petting. After a while, the anxiety in the Blastoise subsided, so he was retracted into his Pokeball. The trainer had a little chuckle of success before stepping out--

And seeing Red, without any words(like normal), run out the Pokemon Tower, practically bashing his hat onto his head to keep it from flying off as he ran. If the trainer saw his face, contorted in terror, which they did, they wouldn't know whether to laugh or.. Be confused, but Red ran off into Route 8. The trainer, empath or not, still felt a twinge of worry. Red was younger than the trainer, although Red being miles more mature than Blue, so the trainer felt obligated to check on him.

So, the trainer took a breath and held it for just a moment, before releasing it and trailing after Red.

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