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"alright, finding a quirk analyzation book shouldn't be that hard." you say walking towards the college library. you had signed up for a hero analysis class for extra credit, needing all the credit you could get.

your first project has to do with the study of quirk use, super simple right? well not if you waited until the week before your project is due. now you have to spend your entire week cramming information in the library. fun. hurray.

making your way into the library, you look for the biology section. finding the area about quirks, you look for anything that catches your eye. finally you spot an interesting title: The Ultimate Guide To Quirks!

sounds promising.

you pick up the book and find a nice cozy area to sit. you find the window nook by the front of the store. the warm glow of the midday sun warming you in the coziest way. it's perfect.

you take out your things then start reading and taking notes, getting pretty invested in your studies.

that is until you notice someone standing in front of you, seemingly talking to themself.

you look up and see a cute green haired boy with freckles, and a slight blush dusted across his face. he notices you looking and starts talking to you.

"sorry to interrupt but i noticed you have a quirk analysis book and i wanted to say that the book you have is one of my personal favorites and i think you'll really enjoy it! it's really informative about how quirks are developed and the information written in the book is super impressive!"

you stared at him with a blank look on your face. you waited a moment, then took an earbud out of your ear.

"i'm sorry, what did you say?"

you smiled as politely as you could, feeling bad that the mystery guy had rambled on without you hearing a single word he said.

he looked at you with a weak smile, his hand reaching for the back of his neck.

"i really think you'll like that book.." he said, voice slightly shaking.

"oh yeah, it's really good so far."



an awkward silence had grown over the two of you. neither of you knowing what to say next.

"sooo... what are you studying for..?"

"oh uh i'm doing a project for my hero analysis class."

"you're in that class too! i'm working on my project also!"

"oh that's cool.. what type of quirk are you studying on?"

"i'm doing emitter quirks! the most common but one of the most complex categories! which category are you doing?"

"i'm doing transformation quirks, i think they're the most interesting biologically to study."

"cool! oh, if you ever need extra notes or anything, i have plenty of notebooks full of hero and quirk analysis! it's kind of a hobby of mine to study quirks.." he chuckles slightly towards the end of his sentence, getting shy at the realization that he told a cute girl about his strange way to pass time.

"sure, i'd love that! here.."

you pass him your phone

just put your number in so we can arrange plans sometime."

you notice a heavy blush creep it's way onto his face, making you realize you just asked a complete stranger for their number.

after a brief moment he hands the phone back to you.

the two of you say your goodbyes and he walks out of the library.

after studying for a few hours you decide it's time to leave. you pack up your things and start heading back to your dorm room.

you make your way into your dorm room and as you get ready for bed, the thought of the cute boy never leaves your mind.

getting in bed, you can't help but check the contact.

izuku midoriya.

what a cute name.

analysis -  i. midoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now