25 Break??

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Zhan was drinking alcohol as after what happened ruined his mood so he just attended some guests after that sat for drinking.

Suddenly a hand slided in his hand he looked up there Ziyi was smiling...

Zhan baby why are you sitting here alone...

Look Ziyi I'm not in the mood to talk with you...you better leave before I do something...

Why are you showing your anger to me...it's your so called husband's fault...he ruined your mood...
But don't worry baby I'll lift up your mood...

Ziyi said with a wink. Zhan was looking...not her but behind her a beautiful person was talking with Mrs.Wang.
After Zhan left room Yibo cried but he told himself...
B-bo w-why are yyou crying...you are strong son of your strong omma...so stop being weakling. And whatever he said has nothing to do with you...be strong bo and go meet your family...
He wiped his tears and went near mirror. His eyes were red and puffy.
He splashed water on his face and got ready to go in party.

He went in lawn and wore a perfect smile to hide his sadness.
He was talking to his mom when someone looked him.

When Ziyi saw that Zhan was not looking at her but to Yibo she stomped her feet and came infront Zhan to hide his view.

Look Ziyi...go away before I do something bad...stop irritating me...why are you so shameless...
After doing that you have nerves to come here....

Zhan baby w-what arre you saying??

Stop your act Ziyi...I know you did that so stop playing innocent and go...

Ziyi was speechless so she left from there. Yibo looked at Zhan who was already looking him. There eyes met for 1 second but Yibo averted his gaze and continued talking.
Somehow Zhan was feeling guilty for his behaviour so he went near Yubin giving some instructions about party he left from there.

Zhan sighed as he lazily sat down on couch when someone followed him with an ice dagger to kill him.

Zhan sighed as he lazily sat down on couch when someone followed him with an ice dagger to kill him

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As the person was about to attack Zhan dodged the attack.

Well! Well! Look who is here...
Dear father in law why are you wanna kill me...you know that I'm your son's husband.

Mr Wang gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on knife.

Husband!! Really you said husband...have you ever consider bobo as your husband...

It's my personal matter father in law....but...but...
What you think how your son will react when he'll know who tried to kill me...😈

No matter what. Today I'll kill you...you've hurted my bo enough...now its time for payback...

Mr Wang was about to attack when someone knocked door.

Zhan ge...!

Yibo who saw earlier Zhan left from party also came to check on Zhan.
Listening Yibo's voice Zhan smirked and looked Mr Wang who was tensed when heard Yibo's voice.

So! Father in law what you think wanna kill me...go ahead...


Zhan ge!!!

Yibo when heard no reply from inside he opened the door and came inside. When he saw Mr Wang...

Appa...you...here...I mean you need something?

Oh bo..

Dd he was looking for washroom so he came here and after we talked..


Yibo was not so convinced with Zhan's reply somehow he saw his father was uncomfortable...

Appa...omma and jie was looking for you...

Okk I'm going...

Saying thet Mr Wang left. Yibo took a glance at Zhan and turned to go but

Dd...I misunderstood you...



Zhan ge party is about to end I'm going outside and also I'm here to inform you that I'll go with my family...

What??? But I didn't give you permission dd😈

I don't need your permission but a break...

Saying that Yibo left Zhan dumbfounded. There was many emotions flowing through his mind but being dumbo he didn't realise.
Yibo was sad and hurt by what happened earlier so he was not ready to face Zhan after what he said to him.
Of course he needs a break.
So he decided to go with his parents.

Zhan also came as he bid goodbye to his crew members and other guests.
He was looking Yibo time to time but bobo being bobo just smiled at others and tried his best to ignore Zhan. His eyes were still red and puffy but his fake smile was enough to make everyone believe that he was happy but some people were clear that something was wrong with him like his husband who was the one hurted him, his parents and his sister.

Yibo you are also going...

Yes mom...I'll go with omma and appa..

Aww..you know Yibo now I feel all alone in this house without your presence...

Yibo smiled at Mrs.Jiang's words. She was saying truth but Ziyi didn't like the way her mother in law was praising Yibo.
So her devilish mind thought about new plan to make everyone hate to Yibo.
Yibo oh Yibo just smile as much as you want because I'll make your life miserable...today was a trailer.

Mr Wang was feeling uneasy and Yibo was sure that something is wrong with his appa. He saw one last time toward Zhan but for his surprise Zhan was also looking at him there was a brief moment.


Thanks for reading 😊

Actually I don't know today what I wrote 😅
Hope you'll like it.

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