𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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This morning, Chris has woken up. He saw Amelia, sleeping on his chest. He stood up and realized that they were late for the game and for school. He  immediately woke Amelia up and went to change. Amelia had nothing to wear, so she had to borrow some of Chris's clothing. They ate a toast for breakfast and went rushing to school.

As they arrived, they were 10 minutes late.

Professor Jones:"Why are you two late to my class?"

Amelia:"I'm sorry sir, we overslept."

Chris:"Yes, lol."

Professor Jones:"You may take a seat."

As always Amelia sat with her friends and Chris with his.

Amelia:"Omg, I'm so sorry if I wasn't be able to get you ready for your date, Lilith. I spent the day and night at Chris's house."

Lilith:"You did what?!"

Victoria:"Don't  tell me you guys slept with each other."

Amelia remembered what has happened the night before and quietly began to cry

Lilith:"I know you're sad about what Jack has done to you, but we are here for you."

Victoria wiped off Amelia's tears.

Amelia:"Thank you so much girls, I love y'all."

Professor Jones:"Girls,keep it quiet."


After class, the girls went to the cafeteria and sat down.

Meanwhile by the boys, they were near the gym.

Alex:"yo, bro, Max had his date yesterday and it went well."

Max:"Yup! You won't believe how beautiful she looked, she was wearing a cute white dress and done straightened her hair,I mean she was looking beautiful but in general she is beautiful too."

Chris:"Dude, just ask her to be your girlfriend."

Max:"Fuck. I forgot, but  if she says no?"

Alex:"Max, it's obvious that you and her like each other."

Chris:"I know right."

Max sighs. "Fine. I will ask her when I'm ready."

Chris:"But remember do it before it gets too late."

As Max was about to say a word, Lexy has interrupted them and hugged Chris.

Lexy:"Hello babe~ I am here to ask for-"

Chris:"Listen, we are over."

Lexy:"What, why?!"

Chris:"Quit the act, I know you cheated on me with Jack."

Lexy:"Huh? I would never! Baby, believe me please!"

Chris got his nerves and took out his phone, searched for the picture and showed it in front of Lexy.

Lexy:"I-I can explain!"

Chris:"Keep your mouth shut, bitch. When I say it is over then it's over. Oh go back to your "new boyfriend."

Lexy stood there speechless and the boys left.

Alex:"Finally  you got rid of her, man."

Max:"I know right."

Chris:"Yeah, now I'm in peace now."

Alex:"Ayo boys, look, there are the girls. Should we go and talk to them?"

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