They're Alive?! (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

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Lily and James didn't die that Halloween Night. Instead, they were at a friend's house attending an all adults gathering. Voldemort attacked their house in Godric's Hollow and killed Harry's babysitter. 

When the curse rebounded off of Harry, the house was destroyed. When Dumbledore found him that night, he took Harry and decided to give him to the Dursley's, without his parents' knowledge. He lied in the letter that he sent them, saying that Lily and James perished.

Meanwhile, both parents are distraught when Dumbledore told them that Harry died along with Voldemort that night. 

Dumbledore thought that everything he did was all for the greater good... but what if fate finds a way to reunite this broken family? Will those wounds heal? Or is Dumbledore going to try and prevent it from happening?

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my teddy bear that I cuddle with at night when I sleep. :3 Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, kay? And I'm not her. \

Note: Dumbledore is using the 'fame is bad for you' card.

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