Chapter 0- Once Upon a Time...

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Once Upon a Time, there was a Warrior from a foreign land known as Australia. Tough but stubborn she found she could not live comfortably amongst her peers anymore and so left her homeland for the City of New York in the United States. Though life was difficult to start she made friends with a noble archer, the very one who inspired her chosen colour of violet. She even found love with the man she rented a room from, a man foreign to the city as she was hailing from the land of Wales.

   Though she at first found herself at odds with a Man of Iron and his Act of Registration, she eventually decided it was best for her to join and the two became allies. Now officially amongst the very heroes she herself once looked up to her own renown began to grow as she brought low the violent criminals who would prey upon the innocents of the city. She had found the life she had sought and she was truly happy for perhaps the first time.

   However, her world changed forever when invaders more foreign than she, from worlds beyond the world, came seeking conquest. Though the invaders were defeated by the combined might of heroes the status quo was fractured. The Man of Iron was cast out for his failures and a Goblin had manipulated their way onto his throne.

   The Goblin turned upon the heroes, turned a Shield into a Hammer, and even set his sights upon the Warrior. She was intended to be the bait in a trap for other heroes. Her lover was slain by an assassin with a perfect aim and she was forced onto the streets. Alone and weakened by the collapse of her life the Warrior became easy prey for the Goblin.

   Yet the Warrior walked into his trap herself, seeking information that may help bring him down. There they finally stood face to face and each found something they did not expect, familiarity. Both Warrior and Goblin found a mirror in the other, a reflection of their own issues of anger and stability. So the Goblin gave an offer of help and assistance and let the Warrior walk free, and she returned to him of her own free will.

   The Warrior resisted the Goblin at first, sceptical of the promises he sold. She told herself that she was truly only there to learn the secrets to destroy him, a lie she began to recognise as she started to feel that there was at least some truth in his words. Then she began to listen to other things he said and found that they resonated with her; that self-proclaimed heroes without a balance cause more problems than they fix. Though she was quite shocked one day when she had an epiphany that changed everything once more, that she loved the Goblin and she believed that he loved her back.

   The Warrior and the Goblin grew close, became lovers, fought side by side, and eventually conceived a child together. Yet darkness crept back in to destroy their happiness. The mental instability that once connected the two came back upon both and tore fractures between them. They would rage at each other and on at least one occasion or two that rage would turn violent.

   So the Warrior ran, far beyond the reach of the Goblin even as he continued to seek her out. She found herself captured by a General who desired the child born of both Warrior and Goblin, so much so he carved the child from her body. She was rescued by mercenaries Dead and Dark, with a new Child in her arms. She resisted any desire to return to the Goblin, determined that he may never get his hands upon the Child for fear of what darkness may spread from father to son.

   Then the Goblin's ambition became their downfall as they declared a war upon gods and lost everything to ruin. The Warrior would have faced imprisonment for her support of the Goblin if not for the Man of Iron. She was free, even if that freedom meant ignoring the part of her that still felt she may love the Goblin despite his faults. Even after the Goblin's escape from imprisonment she managed to keep herself and the Child free of him, until, finally, the Goblin died.

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