The First Day of Forever

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I wake up with a searing pain in my head. I try to open my eyes. Its difficult. Even with my eyes closed it feels as if the sun is shining right into my eyes. God, what is it. I try to sit up in my bed. My body feels weak like I have been starving for a days. With a great pain I try to open my eyes and look around my room. The curtains are just open an inch near the edge and a slit of rays were floating in the room, just a slit. Everything feels strange. I can hear voices faintly, but there is no one in the house. Its Derby, our next door neighbor. Seems like she is singing in her God awful voice again. But I have never heard her before through the walls. Seems like she is using the megaphone. I ignore the voice and try to get out of the bed. Its paining, God what is it. I struggle, lose a step or 2 and reach near my mirror and look at myself. I look awful. But what's this. I look at my reflection in horror. My hands are shaking, but I gather all my will and move my hairs from the shoulders and I cant believe it. It looks like someone stabbed me. Ouch, shit its paining. How did it happen. Hold on, it looks like bite marks. Eew. What is it. What happened yesterday night. Aaah. I try to think. But I am not able to recollect anything. I stumble, unable to stand anymore, its like my blood has drained and I have no strength. First, I need to eat something. I move towards the door taking the support of the wall with my hands. I open the door. Aah the sunlight is blinding again. I slowly move downstairs. Everything seems so noisy today. Derby singing, the dog in the opposite house barking, cars honking. I open the cupboard in the kitchen and take the cereal box out. I pour some milk and cereal in the nearby bowl and start eating. Hmm.... Still hungry. I pour some more cereal and then more and then more. I finished the entire cereal box, yet I am unsatisfied. I try to think what happened last night. Everything seems blurry. There was a party at Eugene's house. We were dancing, there was some drinking, some kind of fight and then... oooo this pain. I cant remember anything and this hunger isn't making it any easy. Just then, I hear a knock. I pick myself up and look through the peep hole. Its Matt, my school buddy. He calls out "Max, open the door, I know you are there, I am sorry, Let me explain everything. I know I shouldn't have left you alone with the new guy last night....I am sorry...I" I don't listen further, " guy last night". I remember something, yes, there was this new guy in the party, G... G... George, yes George. I remember, his intense eyes, his striking figure and God his devilish smile, made my knees wobble. How could I forget about him. I come back to present. Matt is ringing the bell. "Coming" I shout out, still thinking about George. I open the door half way and ohhh Shit. The Sun. I ask Matt to come in and take support of sofa's arm. Matt closes the door behind and looks at me with questioning eyes. "Max, are you alright. I can explain everything. I know I shouldn't have fought with the new guy. It was awful. I felt very bad.." I am not able to focus at what Matt's saying. I just feel drawn towards Matt. His eyes, his body, his lips, specially his neck, seems to be welcoming... I don't know what's it. I have never felt this drawn towards Matt... I try to concentrate back on what he is speaking.... "..I left, but I couldn't sleep the entire night. So, I came back to meet you" "Sorry I didn't understand, what happened last night... I seem to have lost you midway. What happened to the new guy, what were you saying" Matt looks at me puzzled "you don't remember what happened last night do you?" I look at him apologetically. He sighs and repeats "Well last night was a blast at Eugene's. You had drown yourself into music. We were dancing when it happened. Eugene invited this new guy George. He introduced us to him and he seems to be taken by you. You spent the most of the time with him. Well, its not like I was jealous. But after some time I saw him forcing you to drink. Like I saw him pouring the glass down your throat. And I knew that this was it. I try to reason with him, but he just smiled asking me to back off and pushed me. We had this fight and and..." "Where was I when this happened" I asked trying to hold my head in the hand. It feels like its going to burst. "You were sitting on the chair hungover and" He looks almost about to cry "and I just left you. I know I shouldn't have left you. I tried to calling you later to see if I you reached home safe, but you didn't call back, so I texted you and you replied saying "I shouldn't care."" I look up to Matt shocked, well not because I don't remember an inch off the conversation, but that I replied him in this manner. "Did I?" I ask him again. He comes closer towards me near the sofa. "Yeah". His smell, his body odor, God its going to kill me, I have never felt so uneasy near him.. I just want to ki.. I hear him continue "I knew you were mad, I couldn't sleep the whole night and I came rightway in the morning to meet you. I am sorry Max" he holds my hands. This is it I can't take it anymore. I move closer to him. I can smell him...his vanilla soap, his coconut hair gel, I take his name "Matt, I.." "Oh God Max what happened to your hand." I look down and see my hand, my right hand is completely burnt. This is confusing, it's the same hand I opened the door with, I felt the sun burn through my skin but didn't know it had made such a damage. Matt looks at me concerned, "We need to go the hospital asap. Come on" He tries to pick me, but I have completely lost the strength, with hunger and Matt's pheromones, I can't think straight, I fall back on the sofa "Max!!!" He shouts and sits beside me supporting my head on his broad shoulders. I have never been so close to him, so close to his body, so close to his skin, his jaws, hearing his heart throb, his veins near his neck, his vanilla flavored perfume, God its killing me... and then... then I just lose my control, I let the animal within me take control and I bite him, with all the strength in my teeth, I feel the blood trickle in my mouth.. it tastes like heaven. He is screaming "Max, what the hell" he tried to push me back, but I cant let go. I bury my nails in his hands and press my teeth more in.... I never felt so good. Matt pushes me back with all his might, I open my eyes and see him looking at me in horror, with his hand trying to close the wound on his punctured neck. For a moment I catch a glance of myself in the mirror in the hallway, My eyes, they look hungry, my teeth look weird and blood is tricking down my lips, Matt's blood, his refreshing blood that is quenching my thirst. I look back at him when he is about to open the door and run out. I get up and run towards the door, I don't know how I got this strength, but I pull Matt by the back of his tshirt and throw him on the sofa. He looks scared. I like it. I need him, I need his blood. I move towards him slowly like an animal moving towards its prey. "Max, what happened, whats wrong with you. Don't do this. This isn't you" He is pleading, he is crying, but nothing matters now, I can't let his precious blood waste, its intoxicating. I crouch on the sofa on him and with all my strength dig my teeth in. He is screaming, trying to push me back. I am enjoying the struggle, knowing he cannot do anything. His blood is trickling down my throat aah, its amazing. Never felt so good, so powerful. Finally my thirst has quenched. I am satisfied. I get up and lay back on the sofa. I wipe the blood from my face with my wrists and look at Matt. He is laying there still. Not moving.

I try to wake him. "Matt, wake up. Come now." He doesn't move. "come on man, don't be mad, I am not mad at you anymore. In fact I wasn't even..." Matt isn't responding. I shake him. I am scared. I move to floor, closer to his face. His eyes, have those dreadful look, his mouth is open as if his voice is dried out and his neck, Oh God, his neck is bloodied and his shirt is wet with it. "Matt, wake up man, I didn't mean to, Matt" I am crying, I cant believe this. Matt is dead and I killed him. Shit. I sat there with my legs folded near my chest, with hands on my head. What did I do. This is not true. This is.. The door bell rings. Its startles me. No one can see matt like this. I run upstairs. I pull a fat blanket from the bed and run back. I cover Matt's bloodied body with it. I cannot look in his eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks. I hear the bell ring again. I move towards the door and look through the peep hole. Its George! What is he doing here. Has he come to apologize, just like Matt. Oh no, what if, what if I attack him. He calls my name. "Max.. I know you are in there open the door." His voice sounds devilish just like last night, I know I would be doing a mistake by opening the door, but I am not able to control myself. I look back towards the sofa and with second thoughts, open the door. I am careful this time while opening the door, not to burn myself, but.... My hand, it looks okay now.. not burnt anymore. What's happening today.. Am I.. Am.. with the thought on the back of my head, I open the door half way and ask George to come in. He walks in casually, like in the park and looks at me. Its as if he is peering through my soul. Its making me uncomfortable. "What are you doing here" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles, that devilish trouble some smile. "I thought of paying you a visit after last night. I wanted to ask you how did you like your gift" He strolls towards the sofa and sits on its arm. My heart is thumping. He cannot know about Matt. "Wha.. what gift" I find my voice to ask him but my eyes are fixed on the sofa. "Well come now, don't act as if you don't know. Don't toy with me. I can see you have made complete well use of it." He looks sideways on the sofa "It's a masterpiece". He has my attention. Does he know about Matt, does he know that I.. I am.... I move towards him "What do you mean". He sighs, "Poor Matt. I am just a bit late. I didn't know that fool was going to come in the morning. I had warned him yesterday to stay away from you that you are mine. Well how does it suit you now Matt" he says looking at the sofa where Matt lay. I look at him furiously. "You know what happened to Matt. You know what happened to me.." I am so close to him, I can feel his cold breath which shivers me. He smiles again, "Of course. My gift, I gave you yesterday was this" He slowly moves the hair from my shoulders and turns me towards the mirror. I see the marks, the awful marks on my neck, just like I did to Matt. He comes closer and whispers in my ears. "You are a Vampire now Darling. Welcome to your first day of foreverrrrrr"  

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