Izuku as Iori

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3rd Person POV:

Right now, we see Izuku sitting down, along with Coco and Velvet sitting next to him, all the while the Pro Heroes are sitting across from him. 

Izuku: Alright. Out with it.

Nezu: Izuku. I know you hate the heroes for what we've done to you in the past, but we want to protect you after the Nomu attacked you and tried to capture you.

Izuku: Tch. No thanks. I can defend myself. That's what I've been doing all my life when you sided with Ass Might's brat.

Coco: Izu, be nice.

Izuku: Fine. Only because of you two.

Aizawa: Problem chi- I mean Izuku. I know me and Emi weren't good at being an uncle and aunt towards you, but we want to make it up to you.

Izuku: You two are pro heroes. You should've known that the T-Rex (Mitsuki) was going to do something foolish. You've seen me having multiple scars on my arms and you two have the audacity to think that I was jealous of my sister, as well as, taking their side.

Emi: Izuku, please understand that we want to make amends with you.

Izuku: That boat sailed a long time ago. You and the others can forget about redemption. My dream of being a hero and my trust in you guys died a long time ago when you guys assumed that I was working for AFO and the League of Villains.

Aizawa: Izuku, you have to understand that it was in the moment.

Izuku: "In the moment", my ass. *to Aizawa and Emi* You could've asked gotten Detective to ask me a few questions or asked the bouncers about me.

Aizawa: You knew I was following you?

Izuku: Of course I did. Why did you think I pulled my phone out?

Inko: But you didn't tell us anything.

Izuku: *sarcasm* Oh geez. I wonder why?  

AM: Young man, you will not talk to your mother like that.

Izuku: *activates purple flame and gives AM a death glare* Want me to match both of your sides, Ass wipe?

AM got scared and immediately shuts up.

Velvet: Icchan, please behave.

Izuku deactivate his purple flame and sighed.

Izuku: Alright. 

AM: Thank ma-

Velvet: I didn't do it for you. I still despise what you did to him.

Nezu: Izuku, please reconsider it. You and your girlfriends will be in our protection until the League of Villains is captured and arrested. Once they're gone, we won't bother you.

Coco: Honey, I think we should do this. 

Izuku: Coco dear. What do you mean?

Coco: I know you hate them for what they did to you as a child, but he does have a point. The League is still out there and they'll do whatever in order to get you to join their side.

Velvet: She does have a point, Icchan. You don't have to like them, but what if they target one of us? You'll be fallen into their trap.

Coco: Izuku. I know you won't like this, but we're going to need it for the time being. We'll still be there with you.

Izuku thought about it and then sighed.

Izuku: Fine, but on these conditions.

Nezu: Name them.

Izuku: One, I want to have a private building for myself and the others. Two, I want All Might, along with his parasitic family and friends to stay the hell away from me unless it's dealing with schoolwork. Three, you make us teachers. And four, I want to still make music and see my daughters while I work.

Nezu: We can work with these terms and conditions.

Izuku: Then you got yourself a deal. 

Daughters: Eri, Alas, and Lucy

Daughters: Eri, Alas, and Lucy

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