65. The Way Back Home

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"What?" the lively teen next to me screamed. "But you were barely here!"

"They have seen two Moons here, Ivy," Dell said with a soft, but stern voice, but it didn't console the pouting girl. Although she didn't protest any further, not after her Alpha's dismissal.

"We're leaving so soon?" I asked, looking down at my bowl and seeing a only had a few spoonfuls left.

Jerr sighed, and I thought the flickering disappointment in his eyes copied mine. "I'm sorry, but there's a reason Aven needs us back urgently."

"He doesn't need us back," I mumbled, suddenly having lost my appetite.

Jerr grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently. "But I need you," he whispered as his lips caressed my cheeks.

"What about my training, Alpha?" I asked, looking up at the blonde haired-man, trying my best to ignore the fluttering feeling in my stomach.

"Not nearly done," he said, very matter-of-factly. "But it's unrealistic to expect anyone to achieve in even a year, what my wolves here have trained their entire lives for. But you can keep practicing on your own, you have the basics now."

"But what if I forget anything or teach myself something wrong?" I tried again.

"I know of at least one wolf blessed with Kima's gift in your pack. Perhaps you could train with them."

I sighed, defeated. I knew there was no other option - I'd be leaving with Jerr. And though my heart and soul longed to see Lotta again - and have another crazy escapade with her and Vince - I had gotten used to living in a pack where I didn't feel hateful glares piercing through me every day.

"I'll go grab our stuff," Jerr said, softly. "I'll let you say your goodbyes."

I sighed and gently smiled at him as he got up, watching him walk away, back to our tent.

"It's been nice having you here," Tymen said, making my head turn in his direction.

"It was nice being here," I confirmed. "I will miss our nightly sessions."

"What now?" Ivy chimed in, playing offended.

Tymen sighed, looking up at the sky. "Don't be so childish."

Ivy's lips contorted in a mocking gesture. "But I am a child," she bit back.

"Oh, that's right," Tymen seemed to remember, a challenging grin appearing on his face. By the Moons, where was this going to go? "You weren't invited because it was past your bedtime."

"You're lucky Kima has blessed you, or I'd strangle you in your sleep," Ivy growled.

I wisely kept my mouth shut, knowing better than to interrupt their bickering. I had tried, once, and I had nearly lost my nose. And it had been pointless either way because by the time lunch came around, they had renewed their friendship once again.

Dell sighed, shook his head, and turned around.

"Would it be worth being grounded until your Ascension?"

"Yes. Or no. Maybe I'll wait until my Ascension and then rip your throat out with my teeth."

"That would be more doable," Tymen agreed. "But remind me again, did you lose all your baby teeth yet? Or are we still waiting for a few stubborn-"

"Tymen!" she shrieked, and suddenly her bowl of Ubos flew past me.

Tymen was barely able to duck in time to avoid a crash with the bowl, but the breakfast had lost some of its content in its trajectory. "Now look what you've done," he said through his teeth, his shirt stained with the liquidish breakfast.

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