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When Wang family was leaving there came police officer who was investigating Zhan's case.

Mr Wang was worried and Yibo was trying to listen what Zhan and that police officer was talking because Zhan decided to talk to him alone.

Mr. Xiao! We are trying our best to search about the person who tried to kill you...and we have some leads...

Ok officer...
Thank you.

After giving details officer went away from there while others were waiting for Zhan.
Zhan came to them and told that police got some clues about shooter.
Everyone seemed to relax but Mr Wang was tensed and Yibo felt that something was definitely wrong.
On the otherside when Cheng andr Jiang heard that they were also worried.
Yibo went with his parents and Zhan was still not recovered but more than that he was irritated or maybe frustrated because he was not able to recognize what he was feeling. Actually he was missing someone its been two days and Yibo didn't call him.
When he tried to call him he got no answer.

In absence of Yibo Ziyi was trying her best to woo Zhan and for getting his attention she tried to go in his room but Zhan was already pissed enough so he roared at her.
She didn't dare to go in his room again. But what Mrs.Jiang did make happy Zhan.

Zhan here take a look!

What is this mom??

Wanna look then open it.

Zhan opened the gift it was a Picture of Yibo and Zhan which they clicked in the Christmas party.

He touched the frame with his fingertips. Mrs.Jiang saw her son's expression and understood the situation so she sat down beside Zhan.

Ayio!!! You know Zhan...he is such a cheerful guy...somehow I'm missing him...

So I am...

Zhan blurted out but when realized what he said he looked at his mom who was smiling.

Ah mom I mean yeah he is the one who took care of me so...I mean you know Habitual...

Yeah yeah I know I know everything...

Saying that Mrs.Jiang left from there and Zhan was still busy in admiring the photo.
Don't know why but I'm also missing you dd...but you dare to not receive my calls...
Again Mr. Devil 😈 got angry because Yibo was ignoring his calls continuously.

When Zhan was thinking about his encounters with Yibo his mind travelled where he first time kissed Yibo and earned a hard slap from Yibo. He darkly smiled and called Yubin.

Hello Yubin! Listen carefully.........
Zhan are you sure?
You have doubts?
No I was just confirming..
Ok then do as I said.

Saying that he disconnected the call smiling cunningly.
Bobo this is 23rd time you sighed.
If you're missing him then call him.

No jie its nothing like that...

Yes yes!! Its nothing like that ok so tell me why are you looking so gloomy....

I'm ju-just tired that's why.

Ok..now you don't wanna share your problems with me...then I'm going...

Jie!! Where are you going??

At work where else...you are tired so take rest...


Yanli understood her brother more than anyone else but now she don't wanna make him uncomfortable so she didn't ask further and left for work.
Yibo once again sighed. He went downstairs and saw that Mr Wang was pacing back and forth in his room worriedly so asked his father..

Appa...what's the problem why are you looking worried anything wrong...

Bobo...everything is fine I'm just worried about work...its been two months now I wanna go back to work.

Appa you're still recovering and now you can't do work as a stuntman anymore...

But...my dear bobo I have to do some work I can't be a freeloader you know.


Bobo...come here!

Yibo went near his father who hugged him which surprised him. But he hugged him back because his father was a very important person in his life he was his idol.
It was dinner time today Zhan came for dinner on time. Yubin was also there they turned on television.

*Breaking news*
Police got clues about the shooter who attacked Famous actor Xiao Zhan.

When Zhan heard news his smirked and looked Yubin who was also looking him. But Ziyi's eyes were on both of them as she understood that something was happening.
After having dinner Zhan left Mansion and drove his car.

On the other hand Yibo's family when heard the news his father again seemed anxious so Yibo looked his father but didn't understand what happened to him.
Mr Wang ate a little and went directly to his room.
Yibo was about follow him but a knock on their door stopped him.
He went to open the door while Yanli and Mrs.wang was thinking who can be here at this time.
Yibo opened the door.


Thanks for reading 😊

I'm trying to complete the story as soon as possible but don't know why story is getting long 😕

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