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Lars Ulrich had a sister. this was unknown to a lot of people, including all of the members of metallica, besides lars of course. when lars decided to move to the states by himself to pursue tennis in their dads footsteps, Lucy, aka "love" to close friends and family, stayed in Copenhagen to pursue her studies. lars originally asked her to come with him to the states, he was a bit frightened to leave home all alone. Love originally was going to go, until she got her acceptance letter to one of her dream colleges in the mail.

over the past few years lars had kept in touch with love through mostly letters, sometimes a phone call or maybe even a visit back home, but mostly handwritten letters back and forth. he would update her often on his band "metallica" and all of the funny stories from their tours. if love was lucky, maybe lars would send her a magazine with them on it. it really shocked her, "my baby brother, getting all big and famous?" she often thought, kind of jealous mostly, but she felt happy for him. one time, he even sent her a volume of "Kerrang!" which featured lars on the cover! seeing this really made her think, "if i went with him to the states instead of going to college, would i have been famous too?

P.O.V: Love

love checked the mail early in the afternoon, still in her pajamas. the cold breeze made her shiver as she opened the mail box, only to find a letter from lars! she loved getting letters from him. she missed him, and simultaneously lived out her dreams of being a famous rockstar through him and his strange stories.

she sat at her desk, which was full of papers and assignments she was working on a few seconds ago. she moved most of the papers to the side and she opened lars' letter. inside she found a folded piece of lined paper, a Metallica patch, and, a plane ticket? she decided to read the letter for context before she thoroughly inspected the place ticket:

"dear love,

hi sis! it's been a hectic but exciting few weeks, our new album "...and Justice for All" was released and we are going on tour!! you should have been there at the release party, so many famous people where there, diamond dave from Van Halen, Pantera, and Guns n' roses! sometimes i forget we are friends with them, being famous still has a lot to get used too. you are probably wondering, a plane ticket? for what? well sis, we want you to come on tour with us! i still haven't told the guys that you exist, so it will be fun for them to find out i have a sister. i know how much you wanted to go on the Damage Inc. tour, and i'm still sorry that didn't work out. so i finally worked it out you can happily come along with me. the plane ticket is to L.A. by the time this letter gets to you, the flight should be in a few days for you. this tour is about a year long so bring your favorite, most comfortable clothes :)
when you get to the airport, call me!!

lots of love, lars"

wow, i'm actually going on an actually tour?! i cannot contain my excitement. and i'll finally get to meet his band mates? so much is happening all at once. i still think after all of this time why he still hasn't told them about me, well whatever. i'll ask him when i see him. i sit back in my chair so inspect the plane ticket. lars was right, the flight is in a couple days, in fact, it was tomorrow.

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