28 I'm here

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Zhan told about his past as memories flooded in his mind and he felt a lump in his throat. He took a breath and looked toward Yibo. He got shocked Yibo was Crying badly his nose was red eyes were puffy tears were rolling down on his cheeks and he was sobbing lightly.
When Zhan saw Yibo's condition he was shocked yet confused that why Yibo was crying.
He slowly touched Yibo's shoulder.

Dd..? Are y....

Yibo without uttering a single word hugged Zhan tightly this was the first time Zhan was feeling guilty.
But he was happy that someone understood his pain deeply by heart. He hugged him back.
After a moment of silence both went back their previous positions.
Yibo wiped his tears while Zhan looked up in the sky to prevent his tears because he didn't want to show his tears to anyone.

Zhan ge...I'm sorry I wore your dad's tie.

Its OK dd.

Umm...ge...do you still lo..love her.

Whom?? Ziyi...?

Yibo just nodded his head as he wanted to know about Zhan's relationship with Ziyi.

I don't know dd...but I know one thing for sure she choose Cheng because that time he was an idol when I preferred to become a normal student but now I'm a famous actor.

So you still love her....

Yibo said with heavy heart he was disappointed or sad or both he was confused by his emotions. But he didn't show infront of Zhan.
So Zhan said...

I don't have a heart to love someone...there's just a stone in which no feeling exist anymore.

Zhan saying that drank his beer when Yibo kept staring Zhan's face.

Zhan ge....


I'm here...


I said I'm here for you...you can share anything with me...I mean your pain...your sorrow anything...

Dd...you are so naive...you know this world is cruel...so don't trust to anyone.

But ge you are not bad one...I trust you.

Zhan didn't say anything but keep looking Yibo who was in deep thoughts. When Zhan thought,
You know nothing Yibo. You should not put your trust in anyone.

It was around 11 pm when Zhan stood up. Yibo looked Zhan who was dusting his jeans.

Let's go it's late already. I'll drop you at your home.

Yibo followed Zhan whole ride was silent no one spoke.
When they reached at Yibo's house ;
Yibo got into his house but befor entering he turned to look one glance at Zhan.
Zhan also looked at him Yibo waved a bye and Zhan just nodded after that Yibo went inside and Zhan left for Xiao Mansion.

Yanli saw Yibo so she followed him in his room.

Bobo....how was the date?

Date?? What??? Date??
Jie seriously it was not a date.

Oh really...so where were you ?

Please jieee... stop teasing me. It was not a date...he just wanted to share something with me so he took me there.


On beach...

Really bobo you sure it was not a date...?

Yes jie I'm 101% sure..and now I'm sleepy....

Yeah yeah now you don't wanna share and also wanna shu me away...Ok then I'm going....Good night..

Oh jie sorry sorry sorry...don't be like this...ok
He took me on beach to share about himself and his past with me.

Wow...good...good progress Bobo keep it up....your relationship with Zhan is improving...

Hmm jie I think so.

Ok now I'm going back in my room to have some rest...tomorrow I have to go studio so take care...good night...

Good night jie...

Yibo gave his best smile to his sister. He packed his his stuff and decided to go back at Xiao Mansion in early morning.

Next morning Yibo woke up early took bath and got ready.
He went downstairs to meet his parents and tell them that he was going back.
He went in his mother's room.

Good morning omma!!!

Good morning bobo...you up early!!!

Yess omma...I'm going back...

Ok but it's just 4:30 am...

Yeah but I wanna go...

Okk...baby do as you please but take care of yourself....let's go I'll cook something for you to eat...

Ohh...no..no..omma today's breakfast I'll do there.

Ok..ok...good going...my son is missing his husband.

I'm going omma...bye...take care and jie is still sleeping so I'll not disturb her.

Saying that Yibo went to his father's room. Who was awake...

Good morning appa!!!

Good morning bo...what happened you got up early...and are you going somewhere...

Yes appa I'm going back to Xiao Mansion.

Mr Wang got worried when he heard Yibo is going back because he thought what if Zhan told to Yibo that he tried to kill him in new year's party. Looking his father lost in thoughts Yibo said

Appa!! Are you alright??

Yes I am...bo...but remember one thing don't trust anyone and take care of yourself...ok

Ok appa...

Bidding his goodbye Yibo left for Xiao Mansion. After one hour drive taxi dropped him infront Xiao Mansion.
He rang door bell and maid opened the door he directly went toward his shared room with his husband.

When he entered inside room he saw a beautiful sight where his husband was sleeping peacefully with slightly open mouth.
Yibo went near bed and sat down at the edge he unconsciously touched his face. Zhan stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes slowly. 😳


Yes Zhan ge I'm here....


Thanks for reading 😊

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