10. Trust

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Every morning brings a new beginning. But this beginning is neither liked by Rose nor her sister.

For some strange reason, Emilia could not stand girls swarming around Daniel. She has spotted quite a few ultra hot model type girls inside this mansion. But looking at the poor condition of this particular girl, she could not feel anything other than pity.

Her below the knee dress was almost torn at multiple places, her face pale with timorous green hazel eyes paired with insanely long mid thigh length black hair. Her unmanaged and untied hair covered most of her lithe figure that has an olive complexion. Anxiously fisting the fabric of her old off white dress, she kept looking down at the floor. Everybody around could sense the girl's discomfiture like she has been dragged out of her safe shell.

"Found her at Tristian... Tristian's place" Daniel said to his brother, Kevin who was preceding towards Rose.

"Meeting went well?" Kevin asked calmly. Even though it was an important thing to discuss at that particular moment, he was least bothered about that.

"It did. And that Adam wasn't wrong." Daniel said chuckling glancing a view towards that frightened girl and then moving his eyes back to Rose, he announced, "She really is Adam's daughter. Your half sister."

Emilia gasped being astounded. And Rose found herself overly shocked as she has spent days with her father and stepbrother Luca, never did they mention about her even once, nor could she find anything or any stuff related to her in that house. Her father had completely omitted out her existence from that place. Does that mean the room I was in belonged to her ... Rose thought to herself thinking about Adam's house in Italy. That made sense .. Rose had doubted the room's decorations while stepping inside.

"Why is she here?" Emilia asked angrily batting her eyelashes towards that newly arrived young lady but kept her voice low.

Tristian Romano is the Knight's distant related maternal cousin. They maintain to arrange strictly business related conferences if necessary for the sake and peace of both families and for maintaining the trade chains undisturbed in each other's area. The twist of the relationship lies in the fact that officially they are business allies, relatives, and have a treaty sealed since the marriage of Kevin's father and mother who was no other than the daughter of Domenico Romano, the founder member of the Romanos empire. But unofficially they are the strongest rivals. Every family involved in this business knows the Romanos stabbed the Knights in the back, partnered with the German Mafia, and executed Kevin's parents. But until or unless there's no evidence proving it in front of the whole world, they can't break the treaty, they can't attack their so called blood related partners. Otherwise, it may change the equilibrium of the mafias forever and end with a devastating loss on either side. But that doesn't change the fact that both want to have each other's head any day and lines of business all at once.

During encounter, Adam propelled and uttered almost every truth he has been hiding for years. The Knight brothers got to know about this daughter of Adam's long days back but that's not why Daniel made up his mind to bring her here. In fact, it has nothing to do with her being Adam's daughter. Adam has sold her to Tristian and this girl was working as a maid in Tristian's country house. Daniel observed a strange behaviour in Tristian towards this particular girl who was just a maid in his residence. Daniel did not know for what reason it was but Daniel being Daniel could not miss the chance of provoking his rival cousin. And for fun, he snatched away his toy and brought her here.

Daniel casually shrugged away Emilia's question and aborted the place leaving everyone perplexed as well as the newly arrived girl who had no clue what to do next. She did not even know why she was brought here in the first place, she's paying the price of being Adam's daughter for her entire life.

Rose wanted to ask something to her rather than solve the puzzle inside her confused head but before she could Kevin pulled her down from the chair. He did not want to make any scene in front of others neither did Rose, she quietly kept moving through the stairs with him. He securely held her hand and there was the report card in his other hand. Rose could undoubtedly comprehend his eerie composure was no good for her, but she surely has done nothing in contribution to that. She herself felt mystified considering what might be written inside that report card.

Kevin sat on the edge of the bed spreading his legs in a relaxing manner. Rose quietly latched the door and strode nearer before he asked for it.

"Here" Kevin gestured for her to sit on the space in between his legs. His impassive face was not providing her much of his intentions, not wanting to mess with the already tensed environment she complied.

Her back was pressed against his torso. He handed her the envelope while gently rubbing his palm against her delicate arms in a comforting manner. His behaviour made Rose consider whether she was diagnosed with any life threatening disease. For her it felt like he was preparing her for the upcoming shock she was about to get.

With a blank mind and terrified heart, she opened the envelope only to find the report and another paper attached to it. The pregnancy report read negative as expected. But the other paper ... Rose curiously turned over the report card while hoping that at least everything is fine with her physical health. She ran her eyes over the paper where things were written in the doctor's handwriting it seemed. Kevin was sitting there with infinite patience as Rose tried to disclose the prescription on her own.

She just stared with wide open eyed.. could not shut, as the line read,
Cause: presence of contraceptives in blood. She definitely felt like the whole world is breaking crumble apart around her... she didn't even shake.. Just there she was in total paralysis without realizing what will happen after that ... just when Kevin broke the air of thick silence around them.

"Wifey, Let's play a game of compatibility ... how they call it... Compatibility test .. yes." With a small laugh, he said casually making her bewildered.

Rose was getting shock after shock since the morning. How can there be contraceptive kind of things in her blood? It is practically impossible as she was dying for getting some pills but she could not. She has not taken a single pill let alone for consecutively three weeks! Not even for once she has mentioned her thoughts to anyone. She knew the consequences of her action won't be any good for her. The thing she just read and the strange behaviour Kevin is displaying made her heart pump faster in anxiety.

"Name one thing that I hate the most" Kevin asked while moving his hand from her body towards her hair, involving himself in playing with her hair, tousling them gently.

His question removed the clouds of her apprehensions .. countless times he has warned and has been warning not to lie to him. Kevin detests lies.. he really does. Rose has paid the price of lying to him in the past. And she could not even begin to think of what he is capable of doing.

"Rosalia" He snapped not getting the answer.

"I.. I'm not lying.. I didn't lie" she was quick to respond. Rose did not want to play along with his twisted games .. it was beyond dreading.

"That is not what I asked, sweetheart." Even though he said it softly, it sent chills down her bones.

"Trust me" she mumbled tilting her head to the side, looking into his uncertain dark orbs.

"As if you never broke it." He chuckled strictly maintaining the eye contact. Being scared Rose casted her eyelids down. He held both of her shoulders and giving them a light shake he boasted,
"Let me take you somewhere"

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

I was off writing for a while. It'll take me some time to get a grip on my writing. Feedback is always welcomed ♡⁠

Also, what you guys think about Rose's half-sister? (:

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