13. So Many Kisses

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

"OH MY GOD, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN" she screeched flying out of the tent and shoving people away who stood in her way.

"DISGUSTING SH!T" her voice was heard inside the tent where Jungkook was nevertheless stuck on the floor, he was wordless.  "Are you okay my Brotha" Elijah chuckled but innocently helped him stand up. "Shut up" he growls, unable to close his mouth.

"I need to cleanse my mouth..." Nina faltered to the girls who were rushing behind her to the manmade lavatory. "Nina Calm the fuxk down" Mona giggled with Emily, they couldn't accept what they exclusively witnessed,, however, they had the chutzpah to tease her.

"What are you both giggling at, nonsensical rascals..." she chewed out them in pure disbelief. "Stop it you are gonna hurt your ankle if you keep running like that" Emily tugged her wrist to make her stop but she started gagging non-stop.

"Okay kiss me you'll forget him" Mona suggested before grasping Nina's face and smooching her. There was literally no time for Emily and Nina to argue, after five seconds Mona pulled apart, grinning like she just got a million-dollar cheque.

"MONA......" Nina roared, and smoke was seeable from her nose and ears. "You better run..." Emily sighed at her mindless friend, and Mona knew what she was doing and she did run as Emily said. "You better run, if I catch you, you are so dead," Nina was a ball of pure anger.

a few hours later...


"Shut up" I grunted.

"You shut up, disgusting jerk"

"Disgusting? You're the worst"

"shut up"

"you do that"

"I will not"

"you will, you should!"

"I WON'T BE SILENCED...." she started to sing again. Damn sh!t I should have shut my bloody mouth.

Since she got back to the tent after running away from our shitty accident, Nina kept on blabbering silly things, and being the vermin myself I didn't keep quiet, instead, I said many offensive things which made her blood boil, and there she started calling me disgusting, pathetic and so on...does she even know how many girls would line up for me to fuxking kiss me and here she is, getting mad instead of just quietly blushing.

A few minutes later...

We were sitting around our campfire, only us Autumn and Panther high but I do see other students walking around, making out and smoking.

"It's uninteresting to sit and observe each other's unpleasing faces..." one of us began, insulting in the first ever statement that comes out of her mouth, it sure as hell is Mona. "We should play instead I suggest" she went on, and within seconds everyone had agreed to her. She then took out a paper that had some lists of games she had planned to play.

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