Heist Gone Wrong

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Chapter 1

Derek, Scott, and I loaded into the black van heavily armed all with black gear, HK modified rifles, and glock 17s. As we drove to the location we went over the plan again.

"Remember, Derek goes out first, Elimor follows. Ill stay in the van ready to go."

We both nodded.

"You point your rifles at him and order him into the van. Once he is in Derek will follow zip tying him while Elimor closes the doors."

We nodded again.

"Once we get to the hideout location we will get him out, Elimor will stand back keeping watch as Derek will put him on the couch. Then He will go stand next to Elimor while I get the information we need. Understood?"

"Got it." We both said sinotaniously.

As we got near the location Derek and I got ready to get out of the van. Once the van scerted to a stop.

"Now, go, go, go!" Scott shouted.

Derek and I bursted out of the van pointing our rifles at this man.

"Get in the van!" Derek and I shouted harshly at this man causing him to stumble back.

"Ok, Ok dont shoot!" This man called out as he stumbled into the back of the van with Derek following closely still with the gun to his head. I followed, closing the back doors and we were off.

"So you guys are recruitng girls now?" He said with a smile looking at me. I looked back at him, remaining quiet as I shuffling in my seat, holding onto my rifle which now layed in my lap. I began feeling uncomfortable by how calm this man was acting with his life in dangure.

"Shut the fuck up." Derek hissed.

"Hey no offence, I can understand you need to have a bit of fun on the job right?" The man said.

"I said quiet!" Derek yelled taking the back of his rifle smashing it into the mans face hearing a loud crunch of his nose being shaddered and the mans glass lenses also braking.

"AH FUCK!" The man yelled in pain.

Derek looked at me I couldnt tell what his faced look like but his body stance told enough. He nodded, I nodded back as we all fell into deafening silence the rest of the ride which was now filled with harsh breathing of the man trying to breath as blood dripped down his neck and shirt.

Once we arrived at the location and the van was stopped I opened the door and was meet by Scott. I exited holding onto my rifle moving back for Derek to get out with the unnamed man slingling his rifle in the process. Derek held him from the back of his neck leading him to a old bloody couch. Once he was sitting down he walked over and stood next to me our height different clearly noticable. He brushed his elbow to my arm clearing asking if I was alright with this. I nudged back reasuring him.

Scott took off his rifle and set it on the nearby table and walked over to the man, once standing infront of him he placed his hands on his belt.

"Name." Scott said.

"What?" The man responded.

"NAME." He yelled punching the man into his already broken nose making him cry out.

"James Jackson!" He replied with scattered breathing as his eyes bleed from glass shards from his glasses going into his eyes. Scott took off the mans glasses calmly and setted them on the table.

"Who do you work for." He said putting his hands on his belt again.

As Scott interogated and tortured James I felt Dereks stance change as he leaned down and whispered into my ear.

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