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The way the world works,

The way people have little perks,

The way some people can be right berks.

Hello my name is Leo McGuiness, I'm fourteen years old and I'm not anyone special, I haven't saved anyone from a burning building or done a massive charity event, I'm not even very clever. Recently I moved from the USA to England, I miss L.A, we lived quite near the sea in a medium sized house. At my old school I had a group of mates, we played football, all the normal stuff. They were all into "perks" (girls) always on the lookout for any newbies in town, usually unsuccessful but they never gave up hope, I usually trailed around with them. Most of the time the "hot" girls had boyfriends, they were usually right berks. Whenever we even walked near them or looked at them they'd threaten to beat us up. Stupid over protective berks.

My new life,

My new house,

My new school,

We moved to England three weeks ago and blimey its cold! Mom said I'd get used to the weather, the accents and the people. My new house was a lot smaller, it was just me, mom and Jack, now. Jack is fifteen and always liked "perks". He always said he wanted an English girlfriend, he liked the accent, personally I thought it was strange. When we started at the new school called 'Bromsfield' it was horrible, everyone had friendship groups and seats next to their mates in class. Me and Jack were the newbies. We got a few stares from the girls but we weren't really noticed otherwise, just a few whispers. I went into my new tutor group and was pulled to the front by the teacher, he told me to introduce myself with my name, age and where I came from. I actually became quite nervous with all these eyes on me, judging me, wondering about me.

So many new faces,

So many judging eyes,

So many rumours.

The teacher told me to sit on the back table, there was one seat left for me. The table had five other boys sat around it, they introduced themselves as; Mickey, Charlie, James, Jamie and Lewis, they all seemed nice enough. In lessons I mainly sat with Mickey but I hung out with all of them at break, Mickey and Jamie both had girlfriends that they went off with for a while. At lunchtime we started talking about accents, they tried to do American accents and I tried to do an English one, we all failed hopelessly!  I only saw Jack a few times in the day, when I did he was surrounded by lots of girls and next to two or three boys. He was a popular kid.

Missing my old friends,

Missing my old school,

Missing my old house.

One day at school everyone left me. I was all alone with no one coming near me, I didn't know why and I couldn't find out because none of them came near me. Mickey, Charlie, James, Lewis and Jamie avoided me and walked off whenever I came near, me and Mickey were best friends and all he said to me was "get lost", he either said that or something a lot ruder. It was horrible, I felt so unwanted, so different. Everything was the same for Jack, he still had girls crowding around him, he was still popular.

Alone again,

Unwanted again,

Different again.

A few days later I was leaving lessons, just about to go home when a group of boys a year or so older surrounded me. They started punching me, kicking me. I fell to the ground after about three punches and then they kicked me, they wouldn't stop. I tried to fight back, it made them punch harder, I tried shouting for help, they started kicking my face. I thought it was never going to end, but after I don't how long but it seemed like a lifetime they left me, walked off without a care in the world. I had blood on my face and on my hands, everywhere.

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