Hell on the Heart

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Boots hitting wood and laughter pouring through the now open door to the room awoke Kira from her light nap. “Shut the bloody door and get the hell out.” She grumbled, pulling the hat lower onto her face.

“No can do, Grayson wants to see you.” Luka said propping himself against the door, with some girl who he probably didn’t know the name of clinging to his arm. Groaning and letting her feet hit the floor Kira stood and glared in his direction.

“I swear to the gods if it’s not important I’m going to hurt you, got that?” His laugh echoed through the small room as he turned, pulling the girl with him.

“Like you could hurt me even if you tried to, little bee.” Huffing and bending down quickly pulling on her boots, tucking her pants and dagger into them. Making her way out of the semi quiet room onto the loud deck, the crew making quick work of things needing to be done before the next day.  Looking around to make sure Grayson wasn’t there she sighed and turned, making her way to his room. ‘Why the hell didn’t I think to check there first?’ She thought making her way towards the two large doors on the deck. Knocking once before walking inside she took off her hat, seeing Grayson sitting at his desk a map laid out before him.

“Luka said you needed me.” Bright green eyes met hers along with a heart stopping smirk ‘I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.’

“Yes little bee, you see I heard that you were taking a nap so I decided you needed a wakeup call.” The smirk never left his face even when a glare came onto hers, if anything it grew.

“Grayson,” She growled out between clinched teeth. “Why would you do something like that?” A shrug was her first reply, her arms crossed over her chest soon followed with a tap of her foot.

“Will you stop that, I can’t think.” He said after a few minutes, glancing up at her before looking back down to whatever it was he was so very interested in.

“Once you tell me why it was so important for me to wake up, if I’m not needed.”

“Oh you are needed little bee, for I need you.” No words escaped her mouth as he stood, making his way around the large desk towards her small frame. Pinning her snuggly against the wall, his rum laced breath washed over her face as his fingers trailed down her face. Her eyes were locked onto his lips, watching as they slowly made their way towards her own.

“What are you doing?” It came out a billion times softer than she ever thought it would, making him give her that amazing smirk of his.

“Waking you up.” Confused her eyes snapped up to his, yet his faced was blurred.

“What?” Even her voice seemed groggy and distant.

“Come on little bee, it’s time to get up.” Shaking her head seemed to snap her out of dream… a dream; that is all it was. Snapping up, her hand grabbing her chest her eyes met the same ones from the dream, a dark blush staining her tanned cheeks. “Having a nice dream?” There was that smirk again.

“What are you doing in here? Mother and Father will have you killed if they knew!” Her voice came out in a rushed whisper; eyes’ darting to look around to make sure no one was coming.

“It’s too early in the morning for them to be awake, and I had to come see you.” Looking back to him she noticed a bag by her window.

“You’re leaving.” It was no question; they had been friends for a little over five years after meeting one day in the market. He had been stealing fruit from a vendor and had gotten caught, for some reason she had stopped the man from beating him, paid for the fruit and give it to the boy who would become so important in her life. They had talked about running away, joining a pirate crew and never looking back; but that was just talking, or so she had thought.

“Yes, we are.” Placing his hand softly onto her face, making her look into his eyes. “I’ve gotten a ship, Luka helped pay it off… we can finally leave.” The smile on his face faded as she pulled slightly away from him.

“Grayson… I… I cannot just leave like this; my parents would worry and send guards.” Playing with the quilt in her hands she took a deep breath, trying to hold back the wave of emotions that hit her at once.

“What of your dreams, our dreams of being free; living life as we see fit. Do you not still want that? Or were you lying to me.” His voice had hardened some, back to the voice she hadn’t heard towards her since they met.

“I wasn’t lying to you, I would love to just up and leave… I just can’t.” Her voice nothing but a soft whisper in the air.

“Please little bee… Kira,” He stopped, standing to his feet he moved towards the window bracing himself on the frame. “I don’t want to leave without you.”

“It would be wrong of me to ask you to stay.” Seeing his head lower and his hand gripping the wood he whispered.

“I’ll come back for you.”


Looking out of the window in her bedroom a soft sigh escaped Kira’s lips, it had been four years since the day Grayson walked out of her life to go live one they both wished to have. Fingering the slim chain around her neck; letting the charm rest in the palm of her hand. He of course never came back, deep down she had hoped he would have made her leave with him; taking them far away from this hell hole of a town and never looking back.

“Mistress, the suitors have arrived.” Snapping out of her daze; letting the chain drop back down to rest between her breasts.

“I’ll be down in just a moment.” Hearing the door click close Kira’s shoulders sagged for a moment, taking in one last deep breath she straighten herself and took the first step towards her new beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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