Short fuse.

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I slowly opened my eyes; groaning, and feeling the slight stickiness coming from them, I sat up and rubbed my eyes slowly, as to not make it worse.

When I was fully awake and aware of my position, I noticed that everything was quieter than usual, usually Ryujin would be the one screaming my name, and create chaos.

It.. feels like someone left..

"Ryujin, why-" 

I was about to ask my friend, only to realize that it was pointless.


I sighed, I forgot that she departed yesterday, I was the only one who bid goodbye due to the fact that her other friends don't know that she's being moved.

I was the one who went back to our dorm and bawled my eyes out until I had none, I was the one who wanted her to come back, but alas, she seems to accept it.

I was happy for her, of course.. but that doesn't mean I don't regret not stopping her. I regret it.. I wanted to talk to her one last time, or at least make our last memory fun..

All I got were tears from her, well except for some teasing but still..

I stood up and looked around the dorm that I was resting in, it was empty, Ryujin is now gone, and everything seemed more.. dull, as if everything lost its colour; meaning.

Shrugging I quickly prepared myself, stretching and changing, I don't think that they all know that Ryujin, one of the top 2nd class in this campus, left yesterday.

I teleported on the school campus, heaving a breath, I saw many people talk to their friends, with such happiness, I lowered my head.

'First time I've ever felt this empty.' I thought to myself as I heard squeals and screams again, confused I wandered my eyes at my front, only to find no-one, so I looked back down, continuing my lonely walk towards the building.

For a few seconds of thinking, I was cut off by a tap of the shoulder, confused I turned back.

"What got you so gloomy?" 

The female asks, earning a small sigh from me, I stopped myself from walking further.

"Lisa, it's nothing, really." I said while forcing out a smile, Lisa looks at me, suspiciously as she narrows her eyes.

She scoffs, as she crosses her arms towards her chest.

"Mhm, sure. Tell me what's wrong." Lisa says while looking around.

Looking at her, I sighed once again, and looked down at the dirt ground, contemplating if I should tell her or not.

'If I tell her, I wouldn't be alone here, but that would mean..'

I tsked, clearly getting annoyed at my options that I currently have in the moment.

"Nothing's wrong, it's just.. I'm not in the mood!" I said while chuckling nervously Lisa looks at me, and sighs, as if she had given up.

Her eyes relaxed, as she uncrosses her arms, and slightly smiles.

"Okay, Y/N, you win, the class is starting soon so I suggest that you go to your class." Lisa informs as she leaves me alone, making me feel relieved.

'Thank goodness that she didn't ask for more.. things.' I thought to myself as I forced myself to walk towards the building.


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