Pre Exam type beat

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"Get up kid."

"Kaminari get up or you'll be late."

"Denki Kaminari I demand you get up right this instant."


"Whoa pop's turn it down a peg will ya, what's all the fuss it's a Sunday?"

The sun bearing down on Denki's window caused him to wince but a large figure block's it's rays. 

"Denki you can not be serious..... you are aren't you" 

With a sigh Kaminari's father grabs his sons hand and yanks him up. 

"Boy, it is Monday and your bus will be here any minute, if have any chance of making it to school on time you best get ready now".


Shit. late to school once again, why'd it have to be today. Sir Langstaff is gonna be raging if I'm late again. 

Scrambling to get changed and grab his things he rushes out the door....

The bus speeds past Denki's house. 

Dammit, public transport again.. last time that didn't go so well.

~ Cue flashback ~

Yikes this train is packed, wonder why there's so many people on it today? Guess this is what I get for being late again. 

The train comes to sudden stop causing Denki to be shot backwards losing his footing. He lands on top of one pissed of looking girl, however this isn't what shocked Kaminari, what really caught his eye was how beautiful she was. Her powerful violet eyes burned into Denki's.



"Are you even listing?"


Denki is enchanted by her, not necessarily his usual type, he thought he was more into a cutesy girly girl but this chick was something different. 

However, a swift smack to the side of his head caused him to bolt upwards. When he stood up he got a better view of this girl.

She looked about his age and had dark purple hair that complemented her violet eyes, his eyes travelled downwards, Her ears had some form off audio jack, must be her quirk he thought. To his disappointment her chest wasn't quite as developed as he had wished, not an issue he reassured himself, could just be a late bloomer.

An audio jack poked into his left eye causing him to yelp. 

Muffled laughter could be heard coming from the girl. 

"Hey idiot try not to land on me got that, real clumsy you are."

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