Reaction 1

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A/N: Hey guys welcome back to the reaction. So it's been a while we didn't did this reaction. So let's get into the reaction shall we?

All: Yes/Ya!

A/N: Alright first video.

Everyone shocked to see Sideswipe real optic color was light blue except his family and the Fire teams and so as their siblings and their cousins.

Chooki: W-what...

Tyler: He was wearing Optic lenses the whole time?!

Bumblebee: I didn't he born with light blue optic color.

Roza: Kalau tak silap aku Autobots punya optik kebanyakannya warna birukan?

(If I wasn't mistake Autobots Optic is more to the blue color right?)

Jay: Ya, Roza cuma Decepticons sahaja ada pelbagai warna optik.

(Yes, Roza only Decepticons have many optic colors)

Sunstreaker: If you guys don't know my brother was actually first Cybertronian Autobot who born with light blue eye.

Clay: I see Sunstreaker...

Rizwan: Saya tidak sangka anak awak lahir dengan optik berwarna lain Vibratesun...

(I didn't know your son was born with different Optic color Vibratesun...)

Mr Mason: Yea.

Vibratesun: Yup he's the first Autobot born with light blue eyes.

A/N: Next

As the video bout to started Comot just jump and break something again as Gen Rama get very angry somehow.

Gen Rama: Dey Azmir! Kenapa si Comot tu berada di atas meja tu?! Ambil dia cepat!

(Dey Azmir! Why Comot is on that table?! Get her now!)

Azmir: *flinch* Oh sorry General Rama..

Azmir then got up and took Comot away from the table as he look at Comot angrily.

Azmir: Ish kau ni Comot! Satu hari pun tak boleh nak pecahkan benda ke hah?!

(Ish you this Comot! Can't go a day without breaking stuff huh?!)

A/N: Ok we continue then.

Windblade: Wow look at Sides guys! He's so looking good at his hero costume!

Beni: I know!!

Betsy: Yea!!!

Moon: Wah! Hensemnya! (Wow! So handsome!)

Kim: Ya! (Yea!)

Zass: *body language* Jealousnya aku..(I'm so jealous..)

Leon: *sigh* Budak robot..(Robot younglings..)

Zain: Biasalah Leon perangai mereka pun sama macam manusia jugak.

(It's normal Leon their attitude is also same like human as well.)

A/N: Next

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