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   After his first year in university ended, Jeongin couldn't wait a second to get back to busan to his family.

He was packing his things when he heard a loud knock in the door. "Come in!", he shouted to his friend who opened the door with a silly look on his face, "how many times do i have to tell you not to knock! I gave you a key for a reason!".
"Oh come on, you're no fun" beomgyu replied to which he rolled his eyes. "You know i love you don't youu", his friend continued as he hugged him. "Of course! Of course!" Jeongin giggled hugging his friend back, "Everyone likes me!". Glaring at jeongin, beomgyu pulled away and sat on the bed, "Are you going to busan by plane or train?". "Plane! I already booked it" he replied with a huge smile on his face , "I'll be missing you babyy". In a matter of seconds, Jeongin had jumped on top of beomgyu making him lay down on the bed as he hugged him. "I'll miss you too, inin ".

They stayed like that for a minute before Jeongin got up to continue packing, he looked at beomgyu who had already fallen into deep sleep. Smiling, he mumbled, "how tired are you to fall asleep this quick?"


  After an hour, Jeongin had finished packing his things and Beomgyu had woken up and went to get food for them to eat before his friend leaves to busan. "I still can't believe we're in college, like we already finished one year!" Jeongin said as he sat down on the floor, unwrapping his burger. "Bitch you've been saying this for a year, just fucking get it into your head", his friend replied. "Yeah I know, but I just can't wrap my head around it, you know? Getting into my dream college and my dream field. It just feels so surreal!", Jeongin explained. Beomgyu nodded as he stared at him, "Sure, blondie". "Sure, brownie" Jeongin said staring back at his friend making beomgyu laugh. They finished off their burgers quickly and afterwards, Jeongin set off to the airport.


Jeongin walked quickly, his eyes scanning the crowd of people waiting for their families. His eyes stopped at the sight of the familiar face that had raised him, his father. The second he saw his dad a big smile crept it's way into his face as he ran to his dad dragging the suitcase behind him. He hugged his father as tight as he possibly could, the familiar warmth of his father's touch engulfing him like a warm blanket. He pulled away as his dad said, "We missed you, baby." "I missed you too dad!", Jeongin replied cheerfully. "Come on, give me your bag", his father said, attempting to take the bag but Jeongin pulled it away. "It's fine dad, I'll hold it.", Jeongin insisted, but his dad kept telling him to give it to him. This happened back and forth before the young boy finally gave in and gave his father the suitcase.

On the car ride back home, Jeongin told his father about every single thing from his first year of university. The friends he made, the popularity he gained and the marks he got. He was talking nonstop until his dad asked him one question that turned his mood around, "So, did you get a girlfriend?". Jeongin gulped, he hasn't come out to his family as he only found out that he liked men this year. Hell, he hasn't even dated anyone yet! So he replied with the first thing that came to his head, "I-i was focused o-on my studies". If his father didn't find anything suspicious about him he would've thought that his dad was an idiot, but unfortunately he found it suspicious. "Oh~ come on son you can tell me," his father winked jokingly. "I swear i didn't have the time!", the blond boy grunted. He looked at his dad who was wearing a surprised look on his face. "I-i'm sorry, but i seriously haven't found anyone", Jeongin stammered.

After that had happened the ride back home was quiet, Jeongin's dad was surprised at his son's sudden outburst and Jeongin was trying his best not to break down crying.

hihi, this is my first fanfic and it isn't the best
i'll make sure other chapters are better but ty for whoever is reading this!

𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 | hyuninWhere stories live. Discover now