-thirty eight-

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Weverse Enhypen


Hello Engenes, I thought that I have already addressed this on the Vlive, but it seems that it did not work. My girlfriend is receiving death threats both online and in real life right now. I know that this could be the work of one person alone, but one person is one person too many, and one person can soon become 10, 20 or more.

To the person who did this: I am highly disgusted with the extent that you can go to scare someone just because you are obsessed with me. I'm really disappointed in you and I really wonder how your parents have raised you to produce such an immature being.

I don't know if more death threats will be targeted to my girlfriend, but I really hope that there won't be anymore. She's someone who's really precious to me and I hate seeing her so scared for herself and her family and friends. I hate to see her hurt as well. So I hope this is the last person who will be so immature towards her.


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"This sound fine?" Jungwon showed the post to Jihye. The two were currently lying on the bed in Jihye's (guest) room, with Jungwon being forced by his own girlfriend to put a statement out on Weverse while she happily watched Octonauts on her phone.

"Mhm yeah." Jihye replied without looking up from her phone. Jungwon frowned.

"You didn't even look at it."

"Well, you're someone who knows what to say and how to put it out in a civil and matured way, so it should be fine."

"Okay then. Posted." Jungwon clicked on the post button and then chucked his phone away. He then snuggled closer to Jihye to continue watching Octonauts with her.

"Do you wonder if the polar bear ever thought of eating the penguin."

"Yah Yang Jungwon don't ruin the show for me!"

"No, I'm serious! Also how does the squid stay out of water for so long? It doesn't make sense."

"This is a kids' show. There is no necessity for logic here."

"Okay, but then the polar bear literally eats kelp cakes. Is he on a vegetarian diet? And since polar bears are carnivores, eating kelp cakes won't benefit him... technically."

"Yah, stop it. Let me enjoy the show in peace. This isn't about logic, it's just to teach about marine life with cute animals."

"Okay, okay. Then-"

"One more time you interrupt, I'm chasing you out." Jungwon pouted and hugged Jihye tightly.

"If you try chasing me out, I'm clinging onto you like this."

"Well, keep quiet then. I want to enjoy the show."

"Can't we chat instead?"

"What do you want to chat about?" Jihye turned off her her phone and stuffed it under the pillow.

"So has Haera tracked the person sending death threats to you?"

"Ah... Yeah. The person is from our school."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah... I... Well, I'm glad that I'm not going to school now.... Who knows what would have happened if I did."

"Shh don't think about it. I... Just- Ugh... Does she have a suspect?"

"A suspect? More like, suspects. She's narrowing them down now based on who follows Enhypen."

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now