About me/ Flashback

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My names Sammie mills and I'm 16 years old, I have blond hair and blue eyes, and I'm 5"4' I was never good at height.I lost my family 3 years ago by the foot clan (I always hear about them on the news).
Me, my mom,dad,brother,and sister were hanging out in the living room when I heard a knock on the door. I guess nobody else hear because they didnt get up to get it. I told my dad that I heard someone knock on the door. Before anyone could react the door got forcefully opened then closed forcefully as well. That's when everything started going down hill. People in black suits with masks on came running in and started beating me and my family. (We were all pretty bruised up). We then saw this guy in a armoured suit walk in he looked to be 6"0' tall. He went to my dad and said something to Jim I dont know what he said because the ringing in my ears from the guy hitting me in the head. The next thing I now is the armoured guy stabbed my dad, brother,sister, and mom. He was about to stab me when we heard the door getting knocked down by the police. That's when the shredder left(I heard one of him men call him that) and me and my family were taken to the hospital. I escaped with scratches and bruises. When I got to the hospital they told me that my family died at the scene and they couldn't do anything about it. That's when a girl with a yellow leather jacket, maybe 5"6', with long brownish black hair came and said I can live with her I found out she was the news reporter April o Niel.
Flashback over
I still live with April and hope I do for the rest of my life. She's like a sister to me and I don't want to lose that, but after she told me about a train ambush in the subway and what she saw she started to act different and I'm scared I might lose the April that I love like a sister.
Hey this is my first time writing a book and I want to now if I should keep going with this or not. Do you like it and should I make another chapter.
Goodbye see you next chapter maybe.

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