Chapter:- 1

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Tanu- mom i am home.

Mom- you came so early today?

Tanu- yaa the teacher was absent today
she had went to a reception today.

Mom- oh ok go and change your clothes the lunch is ready.

A knocking on the gate:- mam there's a letter for you.

Mom goose and receive the letter.

Mom- tanu there's a letter from your uncle.

Tanu rushes down to the letter.

Tanu- which uncle sent the letter mom.

Mom- the uncle from New York has sent this letter.

Tanu- what's written in that letter?

Mom- i myself haven't read it you read and just tell me what's written in it.

Tanu first read,s the letter

Tanu- mom uncle is getting married and he is calling us in the marriage.

Father- ohh that's amazing!
We will go for sure when is the marriage tanu.

Tanu- it's just a week after tomorrow.

Father to mom- start the packing from now only don't leave any thing for the last moment.

Mom- all right.

I was very excited to visit to my uncle after a very long time.

After all he lived in New York and i lived in India so it was going to be a international trip.


Mom- tanu comon we are being late get up hurry!!

Father- tanu hurry up or we are going to miss our flight.

Then I got up went to the rest room got fresh changed my clothes and my bag was packed to.

Father- all set son ready to go?

Tanu- yes father.

We sat in car and went to the airport checked in and got lucky that we weren't late

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We sat in car and went to the airport checked in and got lucky that we weren't late.

The flight then took off to New York also known as the empire State.

We then landed safely to the state and went to my uncle,s residence.

Uncle malhotra- heey there sangeeta!!

Mom- hii!!
How are you long time no see.

Uncle malhotra- yaa i was busy setting up in hear.

Tanu- Namaste uncle.

Uncle malhotra- Namaste beta
How are you?

Tanu- I am completely fine.

Father- will some one let me also meat him.

Uncle malhotra- hi hi hi hiw are you?

Father- fine just a back pain.

Uncle malhotra- ohh! Let's go in and have a cup of tea.
It's pretty cold out side.

Mom- so what are you doing right now over here you told that your old companies boss was very disrespect full with you.

Uncle malhotra- yaa he was a idiot.
He just shouted at me Unnecessary so i left the job as now I am working with the government as a scientist in the lab.

Father- so what kind of research is going on.

Uncle malhotra- don't tell any one about this it's a bit secret project going on over there.

Mom- secret? What do you mean by that.

Uncle malhotra- yaa it's a secret project and it is run by a company named RGT. pvt. Ltd company.

Father- ohh ok what do this private company do.

Uncle malhotra- don't be fooled by the name it is not a private company it is a company run by government.

Mom- so why is it named RGT. Pvt. Ltd?

Uncle malhotra- because the government doesn't want any one to know about this project.
I told you na that this is a secret project.

Mom- ohh.

Father- ok now leave all that.
Buy the way when is your marriage?

Uncle malhotra- it's on 12:12:2021.
Till when are you over hear?

Mom- just till you marriage after that we will go back tanu,s school are going on and it,s his board class so we can't stay much over here.

Uncle malhotra- hmm all right let's have lunch I have specially made chicken rosted for MR. Bhupendra.

Father- ohh it's my pleasure.

We all had lunch everyone one sat in the living room every body was talking.

Except me i was not there with them I had gone with my friends in the park.

After all we meat after a long time the last I had came here was 3.24.2016.

The whole day i was out with my friends when I came back I got a bit scolded.

From my father but it was all right.

The next day was the marriage.

Mom- hee ideot get up you lazy head
Don't you remember it's your uncles marriage today.

Tanu - ya ya mom getting up
Got up lazily got ready and had my breakfast and was ready to go to the marriage.

The marriage was great and my aunt was looking very pretty and the next day we had a flight back to India.

So on 15.12.2021 we came back to our nation.

My loving city dehradun a city surrounded half by forests and half by mountain every night there's a beautiful view on mountain of dimly glowing light.

I lived in a village named harbhanswala.

A month later on 24.1.2022 our phone bell rang__ tring tring tring tring...

Mom- tanuuu can't you listen the phone is ringing go and pick it up.

Tanu- yes mom going.

Ran to the phone picked it up

Tanu- yes who's there.

In a painfull and scary voice it's me your uncle malhotra.

Tanu- mom it's malhotra uncle s call.

Mom- yes malhotra how are you.

Uncle malhotra- not very well actually.

Mom- why what happened is every thing fine or not.

Uncle malhotra- no nothing is fine in here just listen me care fully I don't have much time to explain you much but just wanted to tell you a thing that:-

Mom suddenly dropped the phone on ground and the tears in her eyes felt out

Mom just rushed to me and huged me tightly.

Tanu- what happened mom why are you crying what did uncle just told you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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