Staring into the Eyes of My Captor

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My hands were tied above my head, holding me down in an uncomfortable position. I lazily tried to roll over onto my sides, but the ties prohibited me. I screamed into the hand that was covering my face, but eventually I stopped and opened my eyes out of fear.

A beautiful man was standing above me. His hair was cascading down his face in black as night tresses. He had to be over six feet at least and he was well muscled. He had the most glorious blue eyes that stared down at me with endless depths. The thick lashes framing his eyes were longer than even my own.

Then I realized it was him cramming his hand over my parted mouth and stopped my fantasy that delved into his utter beauty. I started to cry because I was now staring into the eyes of my captor.

He placed a finger to his lips to shush me, only making me more worked up. Since I wouldn't stop thrashing around, he slapped me across the face. Hard. I let tear roll down my face but stopped the incessant screams emitting from my throat. He gave me a brief, dazzling smile once I finally calmed down, making me relax ever so slightly.

He left the room and didn't come back for what I imagined was hours, but it was probably less for I had nothing to pass the time away. I heard a low creak and glanced over towards the door that opened up to the room I was in. It opened part way and I only saw one thing; the ice blue eyes of my captor staring in at me.

I shivered from their beauty but he instantly slammed the door, leaving me alone again. A sigh escaped my mouth as I shut my eyes, intending to sleep the torture away.

I woke up to a light stroking against my cheek, bringing warmth to my previously isolated body. I peered up at the mysterious man whom was tenderly rubbing my cheeks, bringing a pink tint to them. He slowly undid the ropes binding my hands to the bedpost and I rubbed the life back into my wrists. He didn't say anything, instead choosing to gaze at me with those large eyes.

I looked back, wondering why he had picked me among all the other healthy people. But his answer was for him alone I guess as he left the room once again. This time I stayed awake and listened to the sounds of footfalls moving about where ever I was. After a while though, I grew hungry to the point of pain and laid down in a fetal position. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go, nobody to seek. I was so completely alone for the time being that I thought I would go crazy.

But then the door opened and I sat up bolt right in the stiff mattress. He came in, prowling around like a panther about to pounce. He gently sat down next to me and took my hand, not acting at all how I thought an abductor should. But then again, I had nothing to compare it to.

He pushed me down onto the blankets and balanced on top of me. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I started to scream anyway. He punched me in the jawbone from my sudden outburst and I stopped, hoping not to be abused again. After I had gained control over my emotions again, he leaned over by the side of my head and whispered "I've been watching you for quite a while, my love."

I shivered at my stalker and hoped this was all a nightmare. Instead of pinching myself awake, he started to peal my clothes off. One by one my garments hit the floor with a soft thud. Tears brimmed out of my eyes, leaving trails of warm liquid down my temples and silently falling into the pillow.

I wanted him to stop his fervent touching, but he just kept going. He penetrated me many times, each one worse than the last and leaving me drained afterwards with no more tears to spill and no more screams to let go. Finally he stopped and collapsed on top of me, I whined softly from the presence of his warmth colliding with mine but made no move to help myself in fear he'd hurt me again.

I needed this all to end, for everything to stop.

Again he came closer to whisper "You're finally mine." With that he brought a knife that I guess had been laying in between the mattress and springs and slowly slashed a gory wound down my chest. The last thing I remember with blurred vision were his blue eyes and how they lit up at the sight of my blood.

Should I continue this and make it a full story? Or should I leave it as this short little thingy? Let me know!

OKAY READERS UPDATE: if this gets 1k reads then I will continue this and either make it a longer but still 'short story' or full story. Soooooo yeah. bUT i doNT HAve that MUCH timE IN my LifE aka college. so lets just see how this goes.



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