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Maria called me at 10pm drunk. No, not drunk : fucking wasted. "She dumped me" she screamed into the phone.

"What are you talking about, love?" I asked not sure if she actually understood a word she was saying.

"I'm single and drunk and needy" she screamed again and I could almost see the smirk on her face.

"So that's why you're calling me?" I asked getting myself ready to join her wherever she was.

"I'm at the club waiting for youuuur pretty ass to join me" she said before hanging up the call. That bitch is going to get me killed one day. Ugh. I got on my motorcycle and drove to the club. I hated this place. The music was always so loud and it smelled so bad, a mix of sweat, puke and alcohol.

The only reason why she always came there was because of this rumour saying the owner was Natasha Romanoff but I think it's just bullshit to get people to come there. Anyway, it didn't take me long to find her.

"You came" she yelled throwing her arms around me.

"I didn't have much choice, dumbass" I said pulling her by her arm to the closest door.

"Where are we going" she pouted as I lead her into a random room. The little sign on the door said "private" meaning no one would probably be in there. I dragged her into the room and closed the door behind us. There was a huge glass desk in the middle of the room, a small dresser filled with papers. The walls where painted in dark and there was some minimalistic art stuff all over the place. Looked fancy.

"Oh, you brought me here so we could do the nasty together" she smirked placing her hands on my butt.

"No, I brought you here so you could chill a bit and recover from that drunken state you're in" I smiled pulling her away from me.

"Not cool. I won't call you next time" she pouted as she sat on the desk.

"Don't sit there you'll leave marks! I don't even want to know how much this thing costs!" I screamed like a mom, trying to get her down.

"I'll get down only if you kiss me on the mouth and with the tongue." She stated looking directly into my eyes with a smirk growing on her face.

"Fine, just one kiss and you'll stop acting like a baby?" I asked, knowing fully well that she wouldn't stop herself after one kiss but she nodded at my question. I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. She wrapped her legs around my waist pressing her body against mine. "I said just one kiss, Maria" I warned her.

"But I want you to fuck me on that desk like in the Wattpad stories" she explained way too seriously.

"We are not in one of Elle's fanfiction so we are definitely not having sex on that desk" I stated getting away from her. We started fighting a bit like we always do; she would scream and I'd scream back. We didn't even notice the noise of the door clicking open until a quite familiar voice spoke behind us. Well two familiar voices.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The first woman spoke.

"Mhhh a good reason to have some fun" the other one answered.

I turned around and faced them. Fucking hell. So, the rumours were true. I can't believe it. No way. This is impossible.

"You look surprised honey" Natasha smirked, getting closer to me.

"I'm so sorry we didn't mean to come in here we- we're leaving right now" I said as I grabbed my friends hand and tried to escape the room. I was stopped when someone gripped my hips and pulled me back where I was.

"Now that you're here, you're not going anywhere sweetheart" Wanda whispered in my ear.

"See, I told you I should get wasted more often" Maria said proudly as Natasha sat her back on the desk. This is going to be fun.

"If you don't mind" Wanda said, leaning over me to lock the door. After she did, she kept her body pressed against mine, her hands travelled from my hips to my breasts. She turned me around and lifted me up, placing me on the desk next to my friend who was already half naked and getting worked on by Natasha Romanoff.

Wanda unbuttoned my shirt and took my bra off. She sucked on my skin from my neck to my bellybutton leaving marks all over my upper body. She softly bit on my nipple causing me to moan, completely forgetting that it wasn't just the two of us. Maria was enjoying herself way too much to notice what was happening right next to her.

Wanda's hand gripped on my jaw, forcing my eyes to meet hers "I want you to look at me sweetheart" she whispered before kissing me. This is fucking insane and I love it so fucking much. She unzipped my pants and pulled it off as well as my underwear. She dropped on her knees and placed my legs over her shoulders, spreading them open. Her tongue explored my entrance and licked on my clit back and forth.

It felt so damn good. I put my hand in her hair, pulling her face closer, rocking my hips against her mouth. She pushed a finger inside of me, perfectly hitting on my g-spot. My moans became louder and my muscles tensed as she added another finger. I looked over at Maria who was in the exact same position as me.

That's fucked up but I'm definitely not complaining. I moaned Wanda's name louder as I orgasmed. She brought her face up to meet mine and put her fingers into her mouth, cleaning them. "You taste good, sweetheart" she whispered as her tongue entered my mouth.

"My turn now" Natasha stated, leaving Maria to get closer to me.

"You're going to love her; she gets wet so easily" Wanda told her as they switched positions.

Natasha grabbed me by my tights and lifted me. She walked to the closest wall and pinned me against it. "Oh, you like that baby?" she whispered as she bit on my neck leaving fresh marks all over my already marked body.

Without any warning she pushed three fingers inside of me, her movements were really slow and she looked deep into my eyes explaining "that's how we're going to play baby, if you make a noise, even the tiniest, I'll stop."

She leaned closer to my ear and whispered "I'll let you scream my name eventually if you stay still" before biting my lobe. Her fingers curled just a bit so that every time she pushed them in they'd hit my g-spot. She fastened her movement making it nearly impossible for me to not moan.

I bit on my bottom lip as hard as I could as her tongue met my neck, trailing to my collarbone. I needed to focus on something else. I looked at the desk where Maria was now fully laying, Wanda's face was between her legs just like she was between mines a few minutes ago.

"You're being such a good girl, but now I want you to look at me" Natasha whispered as I turned my face and locked eyes with her. After a few more seconds she smirked "I want to hear you scream my name now" she ordered.

Thank God I couldn't have kept it any longer. I frenetically moaned her name as my legs began shaking around her body and all my muscles went numb from how tense I was. She kept on going even after I orgasmed, making me squirt all over her. She kissed me deeply and aggressively. "I didn't think you could do that" she said in a quite surprised tone.

"Believe me, I didn't know I could do that either" I struggled to say, completely out of breathe. She smirked, proud of herself. "To be fair" I started "Wanda did all the work" I provoked her. She laughed at my remark knowing fully well that she could've make me do this with or without Wanda. She carried me back to the desk where Maria was literally sweating, struggling to find air.

Wanda handed her the clothes that were thrown on the floor earlier. "I'll drive her back to her place, poor thing's exhausted" she smirked "and maybe we'll go round two in my car" she whispered into Maria's ear. They both left through a door that gave direct access to the street. I was now alone with Natasha.

"Come here" I shyly asked, signalling her to come in front of me which she did without asking any questions. "I want to touch you so bad" I whispered as I unbuttoned her shirt and placed kisses on her breasts.

𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍, Marvel one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now