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I graduated high school a few weeks ago, I was very happy about it because considering how chaotic my year's been I thought I wouldn't survive long enough to even pass the exams. The only bad thing about it being that my friends and I were all going to different places all over the country. My friends and I sticked together through high school, this group included Natasha Romanoff, the most beautiful, caring woman I ever met.

I've had a crush on her forever. To celebrate graduating, we decided to go out and do a barathon (marathon of all the bars). Natasha invited us to come to her father's bar, she said no one else would be there except some of her dad's friends and a few other people from school that she invited. She told us we wouldn't have to pay for anything.

"I don't know about this... maybe she just invited us to be polite?" I said to Wanda who was trying to pull me into the bar.

"She told us to come here and that it would be fun. Come on, if you don't go in there you'll regret it" she drunkenly tried to explain.

Even though she was drunk, she was kind of right. This might be one of my last chance to spend time with that person... When we went to see her a few days earlier, she invited us to come back today. She said that it will be nice, that there'd be a "Champagne shower" in the bar. Basically, someone would shake the bottles and throw champagne mousse on the crowd.

"Fine" I agreed to go into that small bar.

We walked in, it was full of people. Drunk people. They were all laughing, yelling and dancing around but somehow, as soon as I looked at the crowd, a spotted her. She was right there, a few meters away.

"Oh, your girlfriend's there" Wanda yelled in my ear. I blushed, scared that she'd hear what Wanda said even though she was standing far enough and the music was very loud.

When I turned back to look at her she wasn't there anymore. I turned back to my friend and noticed some of our friends had join us. I felt a hand gently squeezing my upper arm. I turned around rather quickly to face her.

"hey" Natasha yelled so I could hear her "you came!" she sounded a bit surprised.

"Well... you told me to" I shyly smiled.

"They're about to throw champagne everywhere, you're sure you want to stay there?" she chuckled. Her eyes were filled with an emotion I couldn't clearly identify.

I quickly glanced at my friends who all signalled me to do whatever I wanted. "I'd rather not have champagne soaking my tee-shirt" I laughed, gesturing to my almost see-through baby blue shirt.

"Come on, follow me" she said, grabbing my hand. We made our way through the crowd and reached the bar. She made us pass behind it and opened a door. "Get in" she nodded her head toward the door, opening it for me. She followed and locked the door behind her. "If I don't lock it my dad will come and empty the entire bottle on me" she explained.

Saying that this space was small would be an understatement. I was leaning against a wall and she was in the same position on the opposite wall. I hadn't even drank that much, neither had she, but I knew I wouldn't be able to keep that position forever.

"I'm sorry it's quite small in here" she said, her cheeks lightly blushing.

"It's fine, I don't mind" I said without even thinking about it. She raised her head to look at me. She didn't even seem that surprised. For a quick second, she lost her balance and fell onto me. I caught her, placing my hands on her hips. She tried to catch herself, gripping my shoulders. Her face right in front of mine, her body pressed against mine, her forehead lightly touching mine. I thought that she would pull away but she didn't, she stayed right there, in that position.

"Can I ask you a question?" she whispered, her breath hitting my lips. I just nodded, knowing that she would feel my face moving against hers. "And you'll answer honestly?" she insisted.

"Yes, of course I will" I could already feel my heartbeat fasten, imagining all the different questions she could ask.

"Why does it hurt you so much when that idiot makes fun of me?" she hesitantly asked. Then I knew. I knew that she knew. I didn't have anything to lose any more so I dived in.

"Because I..." the alcohol in my blood made all my walls fall down "I have feelings for you Nat. Truth is, I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you the first day you entered in that classroom. But also, and it has nothing to do with how I feel about you, you saved my life. You're this sweet, loving and caring person, you're smart, you're confident and you fight for what you believe in. You're gorgeous... perfect... And when that bitch goes around and make fun of you even though she doesn't know anything about you it just... It drives me crazy..."

Silence took over in the small space, her body still glued on mine, the only sound being the muffled music coming from the other side of the door. For a minute I thought that maybe the words left my mouth so fast that she didn't catch what I said.

"Would you kiss me if you had a chance to?" she suddenly asked. She was so close that I could feel her breath brushing against my lips.

"You said just one question" I laughed shyly. "And I think the answer is quite obvious" I looked into her eyes, her soft expressive green eyes. "Yes, I would kiss you" I whispered. I thought it would scare her and she would pull away but once again, she didn't move. She stayed right there, her body pressed against mine.

She slowly leaned in, checking for approval. Her hands left my shoulders to gently cup my face. I couldn't believe what was happening. I dreamed of this moment so many times... and there she was, so close to me. I broke the distance between us and crashed my lips on hers. It felt better that anything I ever imagined. Her tongue started pushing against my lips which I obviously parted, allowing her to dominate the kiss. Once we got out of breath she stepped back just a little.

"Can I... tell you something?" I said, completely out of breathe, looking right in her eyes. She nodded, not breaking the eyes contact. "I love your eyes. I always have. It's one of my favourite thing about you. They're so expressive you know... when you smile you squint your eyes a little, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen" I blushed confessing this.

"Really?" she asked. I nodded. And then it appeared on her face, that beautiful mesmerizing smile of hers. She pressed her lips against mines again. "I can make you blush harder than this, if you want to" she whispered, leaning against my neck.

𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍, Marvel one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now