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Dear Diary ,
Today is the Birthday from my Brother , he got 28 today. I got him a little Gift , i bought him a little bracelet with his initial and mine , i think he likes it because he putted it directly on.
He will take me tommorow  to his MV Set , iam really exited beause i love to see him dance and rap.
Okay out of this informations happend nothing special.
see you next time , bye bye :)

Next Morning
,, Hey Lexi , hurry up " yelled my Brother from downstairs
,,I'm comming " yelled i back
,, Okay iam ready "
,, Wow you still have the same Style as Hoseok"
,, Yoongi that's not true " said i before punching him on the shoulder
,, i changed iam 21 now "
,, But your Style seems like you're  16" said Yoongi  while getting in the car , I followed him and got in the car

At the Set
,, Wow Yoongi " sad i while glancing at the big set up
,, I know , it is for you really impressiv but i see it every time that's why i can't enjoy the whole set up"
,, Oh c'mon i think you're going to enjoy it again " said i and smiled
I got out of the car and so did Yoongi and after that a thousand of Paparazzies runned to us and held me the camera directly in the face
,, Could you please back up , he needs his privacy , you stupid Person didin't you understand me? BACK UP " yelled i , i was going to punch him put Yoongi took my hand and leaded me in the big apartment where a lot of secruity guards waited.
,, Really and they couldn't even help you Yoongi?" asked i while he still holded my hand
He opend  a door and said ,, Here we are "
I saw a lot of dancers and and more lamps i could count
,, WOW" was the only thing i could bring out of my mouth
,, Already Yoongi , youre here c'mon lets get in your clothes so we can start and you please get him coffee !" said the director kinda mean
,,Ähm i don't think he wants a coffee now and another thing  iam not his assistent iam his sister "
,, Oh iam sorry , but please Yoongi get yourself ready and you are comming with me "
,,Okay "
I went after the director , he showed me the whole set and greeted PSY to me , i got a photo with him.  
I sat next to the director and looked the whole time at Yoongi , he did that really good and i was proud to have a brother like him.
,, Okay now the dancers " yelled the director
I looked at the dancers and the choreography was easy , i directly knew the steps and asked the director if i could be one of the dancers and he allowed it. I went in the crowd of dancers and danced with them.
,, CUT , that was it thank you " said the director and everyone left his position
,, Wow you did great , how fast did you learn the steps ?" asked  a dancer
,, Thank you , i just saw the steps when you started to dance so i studied them "
,,Wow i hope i will see you again " sad the dancer and left
 I also left my position with a smile and went back to the director
,, Girl why didin't told me you can dance "
,, I thought this information is not needed "
,, Point for you but it was a great performance "
,, Thank you"
,, Hey Lexi , hurry up " yelled Yoongi
,, I have to leave now , thank you for having me today "
Yonngi and i left , he drove to a big glassy apartment
,, What are we doing here ?" did i asked
,, Meeting some friends from me "
He got out of the car and opended my cardoor , i stepped out and smiled at him
,, c'mon " said he and tooked my hand
We went a lot of stairs up until we were finally at the right door , opened the door and went in. There was a long floor which went into a big dancing room with mirrors , Yoongi and i went into that room
,, Yoongi my friend " said someone and hugged him from behind
,, Wait Hoseok ?"
he looked at me and started to smile
,,omg my little Girl Lexi " said Hoseok and hugged me
,, Iam not little anymore " did i say with a bit of a cute voice
,, I have to show you something Hobi" said Yoongi and putted his Phone out , he showed him  video from his MV where the Camerafocus layed directly on me
,, Since when are you dancing , my little Lexi ?"
,,I don't know i guess since some Years"
,, This is good , let's try something " said Hoseok and putted Music on he started to dance a bit and i went with in , we two started to dance
,, Wow you're really good  Lexi , you should come one time to our dancetraining "
,, I will see if i can come " did i awnser
Hours left and it was already late
,, I think i leave Yonngi" did i say
,, Okay wait i drive you home "
,, No its okay stay here , i know you like him " did i whisper in his ear. He just smiled , i hugged him and Hoseok . After that i putted my clothes on and left. I waited at a Busstation , next to me stand a person completly in black and he dropped something.
,,Hey sorry you dropped 10$ " said i and handed him them
,, Thanks " said he quitly predictable hearable and in a rough tone
The Bus came and all the people pressed me away, the bus was full i didin't saw one free seat , but wait next to the mysterious boy was a free seat i literally runned to this place and sat down
I looked at him sometimes but i didin't saw much of his face , i putted my earphones in and started my playlist , i accidentally closed my eyes and slept in.
Someone pounted on me , i slowly opend my eyes. It was the mysterious man , now i saw his whole face , his eyes , his mouth , everything. I couldn't even say one word.
,, The bus is at the last station , get out " did he say with a annoyed face and went out
,, He is so roughless " did i say quitly
I went out and home , i went showering and putted some new clothes on. I literally felled into my bed but i couldnt stop thinking about him.
 Who was that man ?

This was Chapter 1 i hope you enjoyed it
If you have something to say or want to give me some Feedback write it in the comments
Thank you for reading this Story:)
1107 Words

The inredibile black Dancer-Translater Girl  // FF Jungkook of BTSWhere stories live. Discover now