Longing For The Phoney Loops

507 10 86

•AU?: [None In Particular/Random]

•Timeline?: [Post-ONE]

Warnings?: [Mentions Of Death(?)/Self-offing]

•H/O?: [O]

•Type?: [Fluff And Angst]


It had been five whole years since ONE had ended. Liam spent a good few months working with the computer but he did it nonetheless.

The remaining contestants from Batch One all kept in contact and visited each other from time to time, even some getting into relationships. One of those being between two objects in particular, who had contributed a lot to stopping ONE, a backpack and a soda bottle, Liam and Bryce.

After getting back to earth, Bryce allowed the backpack to stay with him since he had nothing. And surely, overtime things started getting better. They were healing from the events of that twisted show, helping each other along the way.

It would only be until a few months of his arrival to the apartment, but Liam began to feel..odd around the older man. It wasn't a bad odd, it was just he didn't know what it was. But just like some other problems, the backpack brushed it aside to forget about it. Bryce had done the same as he too began to gain these strange unusual feelings around the shorter male. Realization would be slow to approach them but once it did, they wanted to deny what it really was because how could they possibly have gained feelings for their best friend? This caused them to act awkward between one another, not wanting to slip up because both of them knew they couldn't deny it and didn't want to ruin their friendship.

It would take about two months before one of them spoke up about it. Bryce initiated the first move and asked the other if he was up to going out somewhere for a nice evening. Liam hadn't a notion of what the soda bottle was up to, yet he was still slightly flustered at the thought. I mean, spending a nice evening out with your crush? Who wouldn't? But he agreed nonetheless.

This evening turned out to be them just talking a stroll through a nearby park. The place was full of flowers, all varying in different colours, sizes and shapes. The sunset looked beautiful from here too but it wasn't as beautiful as something else, according to Bryce. The walk would go as normal, the two enjoying a nice chat about something while having the other's company.

Finally at some point of this walk, Bryce finally made that first move and went to hold the other's hand. He looked away as he did so and he also felt Liam's arm flinch from the action, only for it to relax soon after. The backpack obviously wasn't expecting that but liked it nonetheless, squeezing their hands together a tiny bit as they continued to walk. Neither knew what to say.

After a few minutes, Bryce decided to try and break their silence by commenting on the weather.

"The weather is definitely nicer than usual and the temperature is just about perfect."

Liam didn't exactly say anything, not trusting his own voice to reply, so he only nodded meekly for his way of agreement. Not another word spoken as it seems like the scene is fading to white, only for it to fade back in. It was that same park but the time was different. It was much later in the night and the stars shone brightly in the void of a sky.

The two were sitting on a bench and looking up at them, seeing if they can pick out any constellations or something unique like a shooting star. Odd chance at seeing one but who knows? They still held hands as they were sitting, using their free ones to point to the other if they see anything.

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